Peoples of North America
The Desert Southwest Anasazi People Lived in “Four Corners” Region- Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah Pueblos- Large villages Cliff Dwellings-Built in canyon walls Offered protection from raiders Located in Mesa Verde, CO
The Mound Builders Left behind giant earthen mounds; different shapes Proof of trade with others in distant regions Located in Mississippi and Ohio Valleys Cahokia- Greatest center of Mound Builders Housed 40,000 people 60 mounds Nobles housed at top of mound
Diverse Regional Cultures Many groups of Native Americans- Different cultures and adaptations Arctic Inuits- (Eskimos) Adapted to harsh, frozen climates Hunted & fished Igloos- dome-shaped homes made from snow and ice
Diverse Regional Cultures Northwest Coast Far richer environment than Inuits Land of Plenty- Salmon, sea mammals, deer, wolves Potlach- Ceremony of wealth and rank; person of high status would give out gifts to guests
Diverse Regional Cultures Eastern Woodlands Iroquois League- 5 nations who spoke the same language & had similar traditions. Formed to keep peace. Best-organized political group north of Mexico