Nervous System
The Nervous System Key Point #1: The nervous system is the part of the human body which controls us and determines what is happening in our bodies. There are 2 parts of the nervous system. The central nervous system The peripheral nervous system = everything else in the nervous system
The Central Nervous System The Central Nervous System is the control center of the nervous system. It is made up of the brain and the spinal cord.
General interpretation area Anatomy of the brain The brain is the control center of the entire nervous system. Cerebrum Motor area Sensory area Speech area Language area Vision area Taste area General interpretation area Intellect, learning, and personality Balance area Hearing area Brain stem Cerebellum You do not need to know all of these parts!! Just 3…
Anatomy of the Brain 1. Cerebrum-controls your conscious, voluntary activities Examples: -skeletal muscle movements -knowledge -memory -language
2. Cerebellum controls balance, posture and coordination. Anatomy of the Brain 2. Cerebellum controls balance, posture and coordination. If you injure your cerebellum, your movements become jerky.
3. Brain Stem- controls involuntary functions Anatomy of the Brain 3. Brain Stem- controls involuntary functions Examples: -breathing -heart rate -temperature
What is the peripheral nervous system? The peripheral nervous system is made up of all of the nerves that carry messages to and from the brain. The peripheral nervous system carries messages you are aware of (like wanting to move your leg) and messages you are unaware of (regulating oxygen while you are asleep and flight or fight!)
What do nerve cells (neuron) look like? Key Point #2: A neuron is the cell of the nervous system. Dendrite Axon Axon endings Cell Body Neurons carry information through the nervous system in a form called an impulse.
What do nerve cells (neuron) look like? The neuron has 3 main parts. 1. The dendrite receives a message 2. The cell body processes the information 3. The axon passes the message on to the next neuron
How does it work? Key Point #3: Anything you respond to follows this pathway: Sensory neuron → interneuron →Motor Neuron Sensory neurons: bring information from the environment to the brain. Interneurons (brain and spinal cord): processes information and makes the decision Motor neurons: take response information from the brain to the muscles and cause action.
Another Example: You try I see Drew Brees (sensory neurons) I perceive that it is him, and I realize I am excited and want to say hi! (interneuron) The interneuron sends the message to my arm muscles to wave and my mouth muscles to say hi! (motor neuron) You try Describe the role of each neuron in a process you have done since entering the classroom
Peripheral Nervous System (P) and Central Nervous System (C) Includes the brain and the spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System (P) and Central Nervous System (C) The nerves in your fingertips are included in this system
Peripheral Nervous System (P) and Central Nervous System (C) Interneurons are included in this system
Peripheral Nervous System (P) and Central Nervous System (C) Both sensory and motor neurons are included in this system
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Brain Stem This part of your brain controls your breathing and heart rate
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Brain Stem This part of your brain allows you to walk out the door when class is over
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Brain Stem If this part of your brain is not working then you might fall down the stairs!
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Brain Stem
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Brain Stem
A. Sensory Neuron B. Interneuron C. Motor Neuron NOTICE THAT A, B, AND C MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS NOW!
A. Sensory Neuron B. Interneuron C. Motor Neuron This type of neuron notices changes in the environment. For example, it is hot outside
A. Sensory Neuron B. Interneuron C. Motor Neuron This type of neuron makes your leg raise so you can climb the stairs
A. Sensory Neuron B. Interneuron C. Motor Neuron This type of neuron is located in your brain
A. Sensory Neuron B. Interneuron C. Motor Neuron This type of neuron is the site of decision making
This is your brain…
This is your brain on drugs.
What do drugs do? Drugs increase the amount of dopamine released by transmitters in the brain Dopamine gives you a short term “high” This only lasts for a very short time, but the effects of drugs on the brain last forever
Drugs stop the neurons from working normally Example: marijuana The main chemical in marijuana is called THC THC effects the neurons in the brain that control Movement Memory Judgment Coordination vision
The underside of a non-user brain
Meth literally leaves holes in the brain Meth and the brain Meth literally leaves holes in the brain
Heroin and the brain Heroin is made from opium and opiates have major effects on your nervous system
It isn’t just illegal drugs… Alcohol also affects the nervous system in many different ways, this is why drinking and driving is so dangerous Alcohol has many effects on your body -Slow reaction time to impulses -Vision- eye muscles function more slowly -Coordination- the actual act of driving is more difficult with lower hand/eye coordination -Concentration- the driver might have trouble focusing