Instructor: Višnja Kabalin Borenić e-mail: vkborenic@efzg Instructor: Višnja Kabalin Borenić e-mail: vkborenic@efzg.hr + web site Office hours: Tue 14.00 – 15.00 Friday 13:30 – 14:30 (01 238 3205) Katedra za poslovne strane jezike, Room 16 Department of Business Foreign Languages Student tutor: Josip Halužan jhaluzan@net.efzg.hr by appointment
English for Business IV Graduate course, Professional studies 2016/17 (spring semester) 30 contact hours / 3 ECTS Tue: 4.00 – 5.15 5.30 – 6.30 (approximately) Google classroom code: 0xfu100
Intended learning outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to: - engage in „small talk” - exhibit cultural sensitivity in international communication - take part in / chair business meetings - take part in simple negotiations - deliver presentations in English - present and comment on tables & graphs
Intended learning outcomes Upon successful completion of the course AND expanding on EfB 1-3, students should be able to: - engage in „small talk” - exhibit cultural sensitivity in international communication - take part in / chair business meetings - take part in simple negotiations - deliver presentations in English - present and comment on tables & graphs
Course syllabus (weekly) 1 business relationships in international context 2 informal business communication 3 effective public address 4 presenting tables, graphs, slides 5 handling upredictable and unpleasant situations 6 efficient meetings 7 chairing a meetings 8 international negotiations 9 win-win situation 10 review Course materials: - handouts (a selection of texts, exercises and case studies); - on line sources; - Google classroom
Course requirements Regular attendance (at least 7 times) Taking part in classroom activities (case studies, discussions, meetings, pitching…) 2 progress tests (typical phrases, vocabulary) Oral exam (taking part in a discussion on a certain topic, in a meeting simulation, a negotiation or delivering a short exciting talk – pitching)