Andrew, Giorgia, Keno, Rayhan PITCH FOR MUSIC VIDEO Andrew, Giorgia, Keno, Rayhan
The Song The song we’ve chosen to use for our music video is ‘Again’ by Pilots of Paper Planes ; An indie rock band from Bromley who have agreed to let us shoot a music video for them. The song is about a guy who loses his girlfriend.
NARRATIVE We’re introduced to a cold but vibrant forest, empty but something complete lingering in the atmosphere. A quick flashback to a young man or teenager (Dom) in the same forest carefully placing a ring on a Girl’s finger. They exchange smiles. They seem happy. We see Dom sitting in the forest, alone and miserable. He has his fist locked tight onto something. Flashback to increasing distance between the couple. Parting hands, unread text messages, no more Valentine’s Day cards being passed between the two. Dom loosens his fist and opens his palm. The ring! Flashback to hands parting, ring slipped subtly from her hand to his. This is, in fact, the end of their relationship.
Dom, in the forest, stands up and wanders over to a tree of importance to him. A love heart and two names have been etched onto the stump. Flashback to Dom and a Girl using keys to engrave their names onto the tree stump. A single tear runs down Dom’s cheek. Dom tries to sketch over the love heart and names on the tree stump. It’s not working. Dom tries to set fire to the promise ring. That’s not working either. He’s given up. Dom’s band surrounds him in the forest, engulfing him in the music. He has to let go of his ex girlfriend.
This is inspiration for the last scene of the video This is inspiration for the last scene of the video. The lead singer is surrounded by the band in the forest. This is inspiration for a shot involving the valentine’s day cards.
LABEL Pilots of Paper Planes is an unsigned band. The release of the video would be on YouTube and MySpace where the majority of unsigned bands release their new songs and videos. These websites also make it easier for fans to access their song and video.
SPECIFIC SHOTS Close ups Medium Close/ Mid shots Long shots The specific shots we will use in our music video are: Close ups Medium Close/ Mid shots Long shots Establishing shots. The close ups will be used to demonstrate the increased distance between Dom and the Girl. The close ups will ensure the audience are clear on the narrative. The medium close/Mid shots will be used for the performance of the band in the forest, and many shots of Dom in the forest to show his surroundings etc. The long shots will be used to show his vulnerability and aloneness in the forest. It will also incorporate the audience. The establishing shots will be used to establish Dom’s location; the forest.
The scenes with Dom and his girlfriend will be black and white to represent the dull vibe between the two. It will also represent the basic emotions. The lighting will be dark and the shots grainy. The happier flashbacks, on the other hand, will be in colour to represent the happiness and love. The lighting will be filtered yellow or a light colour and the shots slightly out of focus.
This is inspiration for the bright flashbacks in our video This is inspiration for the bright flashbacks in our video. It’s slightly out of focus and very bright, signifying happiness and freedom. These are inspirations for the black and white and grainy scenes in the video. The lighting is also very hard.
COSTUMES Dom will wear darker, preferably black clothing in the scenes involving him and his ex girlfriend to reflect his mood and circumstance. However, he will wear vibrant, colourful clothing in the happier flashback scenes. Dom will wear brighter, casual clothing in the performance scenes to represent his liberation and ability to free him from the relationship.
This is an inspiration for the dark clothing that will be worn in the flashbacks. The black clothing connotes the depressed and miserable state. This is an inspiration for the brighter and vibrant clothing that will be worn during the performance.
LOCATIONS The locations will be kept to a minimal to decrease too much movement of the band’s instruments. We will use: A forest (We have decided on either a park/forest in Bromley, Norman Park or Langley Park) The studio for some scenes, possibly for the hands parting and ring passing. Possibly the streets or back roads for shots of the characters.
NORMAN PARK, we prefer to use this area because of it’s vibrancy and space.
AUDIENCE Audience: Our target audience would be anyone ranging from teenagers to adults (15 to 25, preferably male, but female as well), as we feel they will be able to relate better to the emotions and concept of a relationship in the video as apposed to children who are younger.
WEBSITE The visual style for our website will follow the general conventions of an indie website. The website will use font’s specific to the indie genre for example: The colours used on the website will mainly be white, black, grey and blue as this is suitable for indie music. A logo which represents the band will be created which will be on the home page of the site. Social networking images which link to the bands various pages will be next to the logo. Navigation This is the main concept of a website; it is the thing that must be the most appealing to the audience. We will include graphical buttons so that it makes the site look more appealing to our audience.
The website will have the music video embedded on the homepage. Gallery: We will include a gallery on the website with snap shots from the video and behind the scenes and possible quick videos on it. Embedded Media: The website will have the music video embedded on the homepage. Since our music video will be set in the woods we will try to incorporate images that relate to it on to the website. We will also try to mimic the colour scheme that goes with the video. Here are some indie websites we have been looking at for inspiration: