Welcome to Ms. Diehl’s AP/IB Biology! When you walk in the door: Place SUMMER ASSIGNMENT on front lab counter Make sure your name is on it!!!!!!! Sign up for Remind 101 (see code on whiteboard) Text class code to 81010 Join AP Biology Google classroom (see code on whiteboard) Write down code to join later OR Open Safari on your smart phone and join class now!
This school year, you will learn about: How to DO science through the process of scientific inquiry How to observe, collect, and interpret scientific data
This school year, you will learn about: Evolution The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life Energy Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis
This school year, you will learn about: Genetics & Information Transfer Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes. System Interactions Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.
PIT STOP Name two things you will learn about this year in AP (IB) Bio.
Class Materials You are required to bring the following EVERYDAY: 3–ring binder/folder/Notebook FOR THIS CLASS ONLY 3-ring binder (Field/lab notebook) Pencil / blue or black pen Notebook paper
Borrowing Supplies Need to borrow a pen/pencil? Give Ms. Diehl something valuable (earbuds, ipod, sweater, backpack, makeup) as a trade.
Curious Question Will be projected daily (some days will not have one) IF you are absent, check Ms. Diehl’s Wiki Will be periodically collected for (completion) points
Curious Question Notebook paper – name @ top of each new page Bellwork question – question you will answer before class starts Needs date for each Q Draw line to separate each Summarize question & write anwser(s)
Example Date: 8/18 Bellwork (Answer with complete sentences) What is your favorite part about going to WKHS? My favorite part about going to WSHS is… ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: 8/19 Bellwork What is the….
THE WIKI https://msdiehlscience.wikispaces.com/
PIT STOP What do you do if you need to borrow a pen/pencil from Ms. Diehl? When do you do your Curious Question?
Restroom Passes You get 3 passes at the beginning of each semester They can be used for: Restroom or water breaks
Grades Quarter Grade: Semester Grade: Quarter 1 = 40% Quarter 2 = 40% Homework & Quizzes: 10% In-Class Activities/Misc Projects: 20% Labs/Lab Reports: 30% Tests: 40% Semester Grade: Quarter 1 = 40% Quarter 2 = 40% Final Exam = 20%
Checking your grades You may look at your grades online with Infinite Campus Grade updates are posted about every 2 weeks
If you are ABSENT: Copy the Curious Question from Ms. Diehl’s wiki. Pick up Assignments from the rolling file folders up front (They are listed on the wiki) Turn in work (you get one make- up day for each day absent)
Late Work Late work can be turned in for half credit after 5 days of the due date. 1 day late = -10% 2 days late = -20% 3 days late = -30% 4 days late = -40% 5, 6, 7, etc.…days late -50% All late work must be submitted before unit tests or no credit will be given.
PIT STOP What is the first thing you should do when you come back from being absent? Where do you pick up assignments that you missed when you were absent?
Class Rules All of WKHS’s rules will be enforced, but here are Ms. Diehl’s top 5!
Academic Integrity NO CHEATING! Cheating/copying on assignments = ½ credit (if completed) Cheating/copying on tests or plagerizing = 0
Class Rules Failure to follow school or class rules may result in: Student-Teacher conference after class Phone call home Stay after class to help straighten up classroom Detention Referral to administrator
I am here for YOU! I am more than willing to help you! Email me or schedule a meeting (free periods 2, 6, 7) 24-48 hours for email response
Homework Review the syllabus and safety form with a parent or guardian. Both you and a parent/guardian need to sign it. DUE 8/31 for full credit
About Miss Diehl! Bachelor’s Degree in Biology Otterbein University, 2015
About Ms. Diehl!
About Ms. Diehl!
What About You? Homework (DUE tomorrow): On GOOGLE CLASSROOM typed: Spend about 20 minutes and write me a letter (no more than 1 page) telling me about you.
Welcome to Ms. Diehl’s AP/IB BIO Class! I look forward to working with all of you this year!