Formative Candidate Supports for edTPA Laura Hart, UNC Charlotte Diana Lys, UNC-Chapel Hill Sarah Cannon, NC State
Housekeeping: NCACTE will offer one-day edTPA training as a pre- conference session to Fall Forum. Training will be Wednesday, September 20. Registration for edTPA training is required; option in Fall Forum registration. Cost is $50 per person. Areas: Elementary Literacy; Elementary Math; Middle/Secondary English/LA, Math, Science, SocSt, (Health/PE? Arts?); Special Education
Objectives: Share general information on formative implementation – “things to think about before you get started” Model of how we’ve embedded formative pieces in each of our programs “Findings and Thoughts”
Before Implementation … things to think about Your message: How you frame this with faculty is critical – language, tone, word choice (“effective teaching” vs. “edTPA”) edTPA is about good teaching. One piece in your multiple measures system. Provides us a common language
Things to think about Complete a curriculum crosswalk – where are gaps between edTPA skills/knowledge vs. “what we do now” (probably very few) Already teaching lesson planning; already teaching assessment. Where can edTPA be embedded in that work? Avoid “triage” – don’t put everything “edTPA” in one course if you can possibly help. Increase # of faculty involved
Before Implementation … things to think about Consider who are your “messengers” to the faculty. Who are your “go to” people? What are ways you can get all faculty to the table? Integrating into existing structure when you can.
Before Implementation … things to think about Training your faculty How “deep” do you get? Providing work time Understanding the rubrics is vital Taking advantage of resources Wading through Resource Library
edTPA Rubrics Rubric 1 – Planning for content understanding 2 – Planning for varied student learning needs 3 – Knowledge of students 4 – Identifying and supporting language demands 5 – Planning assessments 6 – Learning Environment 7 – Engaging students in learning 8 – Deepening student learning 9 – Subject-specific pedagogy 10 – Analyzing teaching effectiveness 11 – Analysis of student learning 12 – Providing feedback 13 – Student use of feedback 14 – Assessing students’ language demand use 15 – Using assessment to inform instruction Introduced: Most Agreement R1 and R11 5 courses identified Least Agreement – R2, R6 and R9 9 courses identified
Key Questions: In which course was this concept/skill introduced? In which course(s) was this concept reviewed and/or skill practiced? In which course was this concept/skill assessed for mastery?
Building into Coursework Identified upper-level program courses that aligned with domains of edTPA (Planning, Implementation, Assessment) Embedded “edTPA-like activites” into these courses (responding to prompts; identifying Academic Language) Becomes part of course grade Data are recorded through your local assessment system
Ideas for Building into Coursework Early Course/Field Work Context for Learning, tables & prompt(s) Junior Year Lesson planning Micro-lessons with video Assessment development Reflection on individual lessons or activities Senior Year Unit plans with videoed lessons Reflection on Classroom climate Focus on subject-specific pedagogy
Building into Coursework Program wide support and accountability (faculty identified what “fit” into their course regarding major concepts within edTPA in all program courses) Video supports – educate faculty to educate students
With edTPA → Two layers of candidate support:
edPASR Strategy ed(ucate) yourself Preparation Assess Self Review Credit: Amy Good and Erik Byker – UNC Charlotte ed(ucate) yourself Preparation Assess Self Review Integrated this to varying degrees
ed(ucate) ed(ucate) yourself Everything you need to know is right in the handbook – students must read them!! Video tutorials on Moodle Reading summary discussion board/quiz
P.S. on ed(ucate) ed(ucate) yourself P.S. - there is no Twitter version of edTPA - it requires careful reading !
Preparation Prepare for the entire task – BUT Prepare and hone edTPA-related knowledge / skills Prepare for the entire task – BUT May break it down across courses … Keep track of time it takes to prepare In a guided and collaborative space “Feed forward” and individual conferences are helpful
P.S. on Prep Improvements require feedback Extensive comments Making it “feel official”- collecting the data Realistic evaluation
Assess Self Using the edTPA local evaluation rubrics edTPA Rubric Progression Document (excellent resource!) Make it an assignment and provide justification
P.S. on Assess Self Preponderance of Evidence (Rubric Progression, p.3)
Review Power of Collaboration Through examples Through rubric driven evaluation Through discussion
A note on using edTPA rubrics formatively … SCALE recommends using local evaluation rubrics formatively (not official rubrics) Good way to familarize your faculty with edTPA without getting as in-depth as with scorer training
Pros and Cons Formative supports: Pro: Candidates get experience prior to student teaching -- rubrics, directions, video clips, reflection Pro: Candidates get extensive feedback prior to student teaching Con: Have to build time to create common understanding on how to use rubrics (grading vs. candidate development) Con: Faculty push-back on a new assignment – extra work
Benefits outweigh issues …
Findings & Thoughts Reflections on past experiences … lessons learned!!! Ellen
Have to be ready to struggle with this Lesson 1: There is a tension between the technical administration and completion of the edTPA versus the educative value related to the conceptual aspects of the edTPA. Have to be ready to struggle with this Helpful to have regular meetings with faculty to discuss, disagree, review results, have a voice (e.g., TPALs) Realize that it’s a lot of work for students! Be thoughtful not to overdo it … your whole program can’t be all edTPA Ellen
Lesson 2: There is a lack of historical understanding and communication between faculty and university supervisors related to curriculum. Consider that whatever training / embedding you add to courses should be shared / communicated to supervisors for transition to student teaching support Supervisors (or whoever is supporting candidates during student teaching) need to be aware of what students SHOULD KNOW already
Lesson 3: Take the time to articulate the alignment of edTPA and program activities/assignments between faculty and students. Top priority: there is educative value of edTPA. Don’t become overwhelmed by the logistics. Talk about connections between “edTPA skills and knowledge” and “good teaching” Don’t teach “edTPA”
Lesson 4: Communication gaps in small programs are amplified versus hidden in larger programs. Lack of communication sinks the ship! Provide faculty a voice – even for disagreement. Make it clear that what the mechanism is for them to participate in decision-making Think about common websites, regular messages to faculty, newsletters, etc.