Manners Matter
Are MANNERS silly and old-fashioned Are MANNERS silly and old-fashioned? Simply how we act during a fancy dinner party? Or how we act when we meet the President? MANNERS – ways of behaving with reference to polite standards. (Random House Webster’s Dictionary) Manners are the accepted or “right“ way people do things when they’re with each other. They were made up by families and cultures to make life more fun for everyone. People with good manners are fun to be around. They care about being nice and fair to others- and what they do show it. *A Little Book of Manners for Boys
Wisdom from the Bible: “Do to others as you want them to do to you.” Luke 6:31(NIRV) “Listen, my child, to what your father teaches you. Don’t neglect your mother’s teaching. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and clothe you with honor.” Proverbs 1:8-9 (NLT)
Character Traits Obedience Deference Attentiveness
OBEDIENCE I will obey my authorities immediately. I will have a cheerful attitude. I will complete all that I am expected to do. I will not complain. I will go the “extra mile.” Quickly and cheerfully carrying out the wise direction of those who are responsible for me.
DEFERENCE I will notice those around me. I will respect the feelings of others. I will not use offensive language. I will not play loud music in public. I will be careful how I dress. Limiting my freedom so I do not offend the tastes of those around me.
ATTENTIVENESS I will look at people when they speak to me. I will ask questions if I don’t understand. I will sit or stand up straight. I will not draw attention to myself. I will keep my eyes, ears, hands, feet, and mouth from distraction. Showing the worth of a person or task by giving my undivided concentration.
Watch Your Words! I. Good Words: II. Tone and Volume of Voice Please Thank You I. Good Words: II. Tone and Volume of Voice III. Facial Expression Excuse Me I’m Sorry LOUD!!! Nice to hear!
Move Wisely Control your movements Respect others Be Careful!!!
Public Places : Places of Opportunity Walk mindfully. Walk quietly. Listen Carefully. Behave discreetly. Be purposeful in what you want to do. Observe ODA. Remember that there is a place for everything and a time for everything. Respect the place/venue. Respect others who are present. Remember that good manners are infectious, just like a smile or a yawn.