Planners and equipment out please. Welcome Year 7 Planners and equipment out please.
Sugar Watch the video clip: Any comments?
Star Challenge I know that too much sugar has a negative impact on our health. I understand how sugar has a negative impact on our health. I can think about healthier alternatives to sugar to improve my diet.
16 Kilocalories in Every Teaspoon!
Sugar in foods Guess how many sugar cubes or grams of sugar we are allowed in our diet daily? 90g (22 cubes) and a maximum of 30g (7 cubes) of ‘added sugar’.
Grab your whiteboards!
Sugar in foods 10 ½ cubes!
Sugar in foods 16 ½ cubes! 1.5L
Sugar in foods 28 cubes!
Sugar in foods 6 cubes!
Sugar in foods 9 ½ cubes!
Sugar in foods 6 ½ cubes!
Sugar in foods 2 ½ cubes!
Sugar in foods 1 cube !
Sugar in foods 9 cubes!
Sugar in foods 3 cubes!
Q. Why do we have these recommended daily allowances? Because most adults and children in the UK eat too much sugar. This is a big problem!!!
Why? Foods and drinks that contain added sugars can be high in energy (kilojoules/KJ or calories/kcal) and often have few other nutrients. Eating more of these foods can mean you eat more calories than you need, this can lead to w___________ g____________ and o_________. eight ain besity
Sugar and tooth decay Sugary foods and drinks can also cause tooth decay, especially if they are eaten between meals. The longer the sugary food is in contact with your teeth, the more damage it can cause.
Sugar and tooth decay Sugars found naturally in whole fruit are less likely to cause tooth decay than fruit juice or smoothies as the sugar remains in the fruit structure. Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes before bedtime and once more during the day. Do NOT brush your teeth straight after a meal as it can damage your teeth. Leave it one hour.
Reduced Sugar Alternatives Pop Sweets
What food or drink have you had today?? What I’ve eaten today. How I can make healthier, reduced sugar swaps. Breakfast Snacks Lunch Drinks
How can we reduce our sugar intake? Discuss the ways in which you could change the foods you eat?