A SURVEY OF REGISTERED VOTERS IN THE NEWBURY AND BERKSHIRE SCHOOL DISTRICTS IN OHIO Conducted by LJR Custom Strategies 2257 Marais Street – New Orleans – LA – 70117 – 504.717.8509 343 Tennessee Ave NE – Washington – DC – 20002 – 202.330.2374
METHODS Survey of 400 registered voters in the Newbury and Berkshire school districts in Ohio. Conducted from June 5-7, 2016. Findings applying to the 400 sample are subject to sampling error of plus or minus 4.9%; subgroups of the sample are subject to error of up to plus or minus 10%.
SUBGROUP KEY The following definitions describe less than obvious subgroups of the sample. REGION Berkshire (67%) includes all voters who live in the Berkshire school district. Newbury (33%) includes all voters who live in the Newbury school district. VOTE FOR CONSOLIDATION For (51%) includes voters who are strongly or not strongly for consolidating the Berkshire and Newbury schools in to one district. Against (19%) includes respondents who say they are strongly or not strongly against consolidation. Undecided (31%) includes respondents who are not sure (Q.17). VOTE FOR BOND ISSUE For (38%) includes voters who are definitely or probably for a subsequent bond issue to build new schools on the Kent State Geauga campus. Against (30%) includes respondents who say they are definitely or probably against the bond issue. Undecided (32%) includes respondents who are not sure (Q.32).
SUBGROUP KEY (cont.) LENGTH OF RESIDENCE 0-20 yrs. (34%) includes respondents who have lived in their current school district for 20 years or less. 21-30 yrs. (23%) includes respondents who have lived in their current school district 21 and 30 years. 31+ (37%) includes respondents who have lived in their current school district for over 30 years (Q.51). NEWBURY/BERKSHIRE STUDENT IN HOUSEHOLD Yes (16%) includes respondents who have a current Newbury or Berkshire student in their household. No (82%) includes respondents who do not have a student from either school district in their household (Q.48, Q.49).
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Chart 12 (cont.)
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Chart 13 (cont.)
Chart 13 (cont.)
THE bond issue
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Chart 20 (cont.)
Chart 20 (cont.)