Convection-driven dynamos in rotating spherical shells - Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre Convection-driven dynamos in rotating spherical shells - basic phenomenology R.D. Simitev School of Mathematics and Statistics F.H. Busse Institute of Physics Good morning! Thank you very much for the kind invitation to Zurich. I have enjoyed this experience a lot. I would like tell you today of things I have learned from my numerical simulations of convection-driven dynamos in rotating spherical shells. In particular, I would like to discuss two rather unusual properties of planetary dynamos: (a) dynamo oscillations (b) bistability and hysteresiss. I believe these properties are are unusual because the geodynamo has been traditionally considered stationary in comparison to the solar dynamo which is oscillating regularly. Furthermore, I would like to propose that oscillations can serve a mechanism for reversals and excursions, But , first let me give credit to my collaborator – Friedrich Busse from the Institute of Physics of the University of Bayreuth. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Motivation: Applications of spherical dynamos Dynamos in rotating spherical shells Solar and stellar magnetism Geomagnetism Planetary magnetism East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011 SOHO, EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Outline of the talk Mathematical formulation of the problem. Numerical methods of solution. Typical convection and dynamo features. Turbulence. Overview of the basic effects controlling dynamo behaviour and types of dynamo solutions. Oscillations of dipolar dynamos as a possible cause of geomagnetic excursions and reversals. Bistability and hysteresis of fully nonlinear dypolar dynamos. Conclusions. Here is a short overview of my talk. I will briefly state the mathematical problem we consider and outline the numerical methods we use for its solution. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Model remarks Our main motivation has been to model planetary dynamos and the Geodynamo. Accordingly, we have made a number of appropriate assumptions: Boussinesq approximation – constant material properties; variation of density is only included in the gravity term. Incompressible fluid – the velocity field is solenoidal. Rapid rotation – we strive to increase the rotation rate as our main motivation has been to model the Geodynamo. Relatively thick spherical shells - our main motivation has been to model the Geodynamo. Direct numerical simulations – no assumptions for the eddy diffusivities. Self-sustained magnetic field – we look for dynamo solutions and we do not impose external magnetic fields. These may not always be appropriate in the Solar context but we believe they capture the basic physics of the dynamo process. OUR APPROACH: systematic study of parameter dependencies and careful extrapolation to astrophyiscal objects – Earth, planets, stars. Here is a short overview of my talk. I will briefly state the mathematical problem we consider and outline the numerical methods we use for its solution. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011 Mathematical formulation of the problem Numerical methods of solution Overview of the basic effects controlling dynamo behaviour and types of dynamo solutions: a focus on low magnetic Prandtl number regime Oscillations of dipolar dynamos as a possible cause of geomagnetic excursions and reversals Bistability and hysteresis of fully nonlinear dypolar dynamos Conclusions
Convective spherical shell dynamos Model equations & parameters Boussinesq approximation Simitev & Busse, JFM, 2005 Basic state & scaling Boundary Conditions So here is the problem we are interested in. We consider a spherical shell full of electrically conducting fluid and rotating whit a constant angular velocity about a fixed vertical axis. We assume a basic static state with a linear temperature profile due to internal heat sources. We assume the Boussinesq approximation. Then the deviations from the static state are governed by the Navier-Stokes equations with Coriolis and Lorentz forces, by the heat equation which describes energy inflow into the system and by the induction equation for the magnetic field. When nondimensionalised using the following scales, 4 non-dimensional parameters appear – the Rayleigh number the Coriolis number the Prandtl and the magnetic Prandtl numbers. We have used a variety of boundary conditions but in this talk I will focus on stress-free boundary conditions for velocity, insulation inner and outer region for the magnetic field and a fixed temperatures at the boundary. Length scale: Time scale: Temp. scale: Magn. flux density: East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Numerical Methods 3D non-linear problem: Linear problem: Toroidal-poloidal representation Spectral decomposition in spherical harmonics and Chebyshev polynomials Scalar equations Pseudo-spectral method. Time-stepping: Crank-Nicolson & Adams-Bashforth For the numerical solution of the governing equations we use the familiar representation of the velocity and magn fileds into toroidal-poloidal scalars. The scalar fields are then decomposed into spherical harmonics and Chebyshev polynomials. Then we use a pseudo-spectral collocation method in which the equations are enforced at all grid points and the linear terms are computed in spectral space and the non-linear terms are computed in physical space and transformed to spectral space. The integration in time involves a combination of a Crank-Nicholson step for the linear terms and an Adams-Bashforth step for the non-linear terms. Resolution: radial=49, latitudinal=96, azimuthal=193. Tilgner, IJNMF, 1999 Linear problem: Galerkin spectral method for the linearised equations leading to an eigenvalue problem for the critical parameters. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Typical properties of dynamo solutions. Part I Typical properties of dynamo solutions. Turbulence Spectra and spacial features Temporal behaviour Values of the magnetic Reynolds number States of convection Dynamo symmetries East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011 Ref: Simitev R.D. & Busse F.H., J. Fluid Mech., 532, 365, 2005. Busse F.H. & Simitev R.D., Astron. Nachr., 326, 2005. Bounds on the value of the magnetic Prandtl number for dynamo action - Critical value of Rm, - Turbulent flux expulsion. Dynamo symmetry types as function of the magnetic Prandtl number. Temporal and spacial structures of low Pm dynamos. Energetics
Typical time dependence: turbulence East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Spectra and separation of scales MD – red, FD - blue MD East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Typical magnetic Reynolds number for dynamo onset East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Finite-amplitude columnar convection Simitev&Busse, NJP,2003 East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Dynamo symmetry types Dynamo solutions exhibit symmetry because rapidly-rotating convection remains equatorially-symmetric even in the turbulent regime. Dipolar Simitev, 2004 Quadrupolar Hemispherical East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Basic effects controlling dynamo behaviour Part II Basic effects controlling dynamo behaviour Ref: Simitev R.D. & Busse F.H., J. Fluid Mech., 532, 365, 2005. Busse F.H. & Simitev R.D., Astron. Nachr., 326, 2005. Grote et al., 2003. Bounds on the region of dynamo action - Critical value of Rm, - Turbulent flux expulsion. Dynamo symmetry types as function of the magnetic Prandtl number. Effect of magnetic field on convection. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Bounds on the region for dynamo action (R-Pm plane) no dynamo due to flux expulsion Dynamo action is restricted by: (a) vigour of convection - convection must be sufficiently vigorous to support dynamo action. (b) magnetic field diffusivity – the magnetic diffusivity must be sufficiently low for the magnetic field to persist. (c) flux expulsion - however, convection which is too vigorous can lead toexpulsion of magnetic field from small eddies. no dynamo due to low Rm no dynamo chaotic dipole hemispherical Simitev & Busse, JFM, 2005 East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Decay of dynamo action due to flux expulsion Note: With the increase of the value of Rayleigh number at all other parameter values fixed the magnetic energy components saturate and ultimately decrease due to flux expulsion and increasingly filamentary structure of the magn field. Note: Ohmic dissipation continues to increase with R. kinetic magnetic Ex Mx Vx Ox Busse & Simitev,2006 (B) R=300000 - decay 500000 - dynamo 600000 - dynamo 700000 - decay East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Types of dynamos in the parameter space No dynamo Regular and chaotic non-oscillatory dipolar dynamos (at large Pm/P and not far above dynamo onset) Oscillatory dipolar dynamos (at values of R larger than those of non-oscillatory dipoles) Hemispherical dynamos – always oscillatory Quadrupolar dynamos – always oscillatory We have performed a large number of simulations and in the parameter space and the following picture emerges. Above dynamo onset four different types of dynamos become preferred depending on the value of the magnetic Prandtl number. At large values of Pm dipolar dynamos are preferred while at small values of Pm quadrupolar dynamos are preferred. In between one finds mixed and hemispherical dynamos. The quadrupolar dynamos always oscillate while the dipolar dynamos near dynamo onset are non-oscillatory. As the Rayleigh number is increase the dipolar dynamos also become perturbed by higher multipole components and start to oscillate. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Bounds on the value of Pm for dynamo action (P-Pm plane) dipolar hemispherical quadrupolar mixed Simitev & Busse, JFM, 2005 decaying Note: The minimal value of Pm decreases as P decreases. (As a rough rule the value of the critical Pm is of the same order as the ordinary Prandtl number) East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Effect of self-sustained magnetic field on convection Simitev, 2004 There is little evidence that a generated magnetic field plays a role similar to externally imposed field and counteracts the Coriolis force. Rather, the main effect of a generated field is to inhibit differental rotation and thereby increase amplitude of convection and its heat transport. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Oscillations of dipolar dynamos as a possible Part III Oscillations of dipolar dynamos as a possible cause of geomagnetic excursions and reversals Ref: Busse F.H. & Simitev R.D., Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 168, 237, 2008. Busse F.H. & Simitev R.D., Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 100, 2006. Examples of linear oscillations Parker's plane layer theory of dynamo wave Non-linear oscillations Mechanism of excursions and reversals East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Non-oscillatory dynamos exist if the dipolar component is strongly dominant, have large ratio of Pm/P, so that quadrupolar components are not strong, are not too turbulent for otherwise higher harmonics will enter A B C A Here are snapshots of three different dipolar dynamos. At the bottom of the slide you may see the time-series of the energy density on the case in the middle. The time seried demonstrate a chaotic time dependence but the structure of the dipolar field changes very little with time and remains basically as shown in the snapshots. B C B East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Example of a quadrupolar oscillation One period Mean meridional filedlines of constant (left), (right) and radial magn. field. Here is for example an oscillation in a quadrupolar dynamo. The meridional plots cover a full period of the oscillation and you can see that the solution oscillates in an almost perfectly periodic fashion. At the bottom you may see the values of the dipolar and quadrupolar coefficients of the poloidal field in the middle of the shell. The dipolar component is negligible and the quadrupolar oscillates very regularly. Time series of toroidal and poloidal magn. coefficients. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
An example of a dipolar oscillation Notes: Half-period of oscillation (column-by-column) East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
An example of a dipolar oscillation Notes: Half-period of oscillation (column-by-column) East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Effect of oscillations on convection Mean meridional magn. fieldlines (clockwise) Energy densities Finally, I would like to mention that the dynamo oscillations have an effect on convection as well. The right half of the slide shows energy densities in this case. You may observe that the regular hemispherical oscillations affect the differential rotation. the oscillations in the differential rotation lead to regular oscillations in all other convection components. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Linear Oscillations: Parker dynamo waves Axisymmetric field: Following Parker's (1955) plane layer analysis of dynamo waves: Using a linear wave solution ansatz: we can obtain an expression for the growth rate Assuming pseudo isotropic turbulence the alpha-coefficient is related to the helicity I hope to have demonstrated on the previous examples that dynamo oscillations appear very frequently throughout the parameter regime. To understand them in terms of a theoretical model we follow the dynamo wave analysis of Parker. In particular we consider a plane layer kinematic dynamo with a time dependent axisymmetric field. We use the following representation if the velocity and magn fields in axisymmetric and poloidal terms. The axisymmetric and the polidal parts of the induction equation are ... In the poloidal equation we include an alpla effect term as suggested by Parker. The equations are linear and the can be solved with a linear wave ansatz. from this we can easily obtain a dispersion relation and solve it to find the period of dynamo oscillations. We assume that the alpha effect included in the poloidal equation is due to psedo-isotropic fluid flow turbulence and so the alpha-effect coefficient is related to the helicity of the flow by this expression. Period: East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Period of oscillations: model vs. numerics On this slide have plotted the expression for the period obtained by the linear analysis on the previous slide in comparison with the periods determined from our numerical solutions. The theoretical values are plotted with empty symbols and the numerical ones with solid symbols, The theoretical model and the full numerical solutions agree quite well for throughout various regions of the parameter space. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Non-linear dynamo oscillations Mean meridional magn. fieldlines (clockwise) Energy densities Busse & Simitev, PEPI, 2008 Not all dynamo oscillations occur in a linear fashion. Here is an example in which the magnetic field an convection interact strongly. Sometimes oscillations are caused by a temporary shift of the mean toroidal flux from a dipolar to a quadrupolar symmetry. In this particular example this even leads to an aperiodic magnetic field reversal as demonstrated in the bottom panel of the time series. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Reversals cased by toroidal flux oscillations Oscillating FD dynamo Busse & Simitev, PEPI, 2008 East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Reversals cased by toroidal flux oscillations Oscillating FD dynamo Busse & Simitev, PEPI, 2008 East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Some similarities with geomagnetic observations Reversed magnetic field appears first at low latitudes as also observed by Clement (Nature, 2004). Average duration of a reversal event is ~20000yrs - roughly consistent with observations. For each reversal we observe several excursion events. Amplitude of the field increases more sharply after a reversal than than it decays before the reversal. Busse & Simitev, PEPI, 2008 Other similarities with geomagnetic observations are that ... East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Bistability and hysteresis of dipolar dynamos Part IV Bistability and hysteresis of dipolar dynamos generated by chaotic convection in rotating spherical shells Ref: Simitev, R., Busse F.H., Europhysics Letters, 85, 19001, 2009. Two types of dipolar dynamos generated by chaotic convection at identical external parameter values The transition between Mean Dipolar (MD) and Fluctuating Dipolar (FD) dynamos and the hysteresis phenomenon Contrasting properties of Mean Dipolar (MD) and Fluctuating Dipolar (FD) dynamos Oscillations of Fluctuating Dipolar (FD) dynamos and reversals East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Two types of dipolar dynamos generated by chaotic convection Energy densities Fully chaotic (large-scale turbulent) regime. Two chaotic attractors for the same parameter values. Essential qualitative difference: contribution of the mean poloidal dipolar energy black.......mean poloidal green......fluctuating poloidal red..........mean toroidal blue.........fluctuating toroidal All case that will be demonstrated in this talk are in a fully turbulent state. Typical examples of the variation of the energy components are shown on this silde. To characterize convection and dynamo solutions ion more detail we split the total magnetic and kinetic energies to poloidal and toroidal components. The poloidal and toroidal components both have mean and fluctuating parts. Furthermore each energy component may be classified with according to its symmetry with respect to the equatorial plane. The kinetic energy is ... the magnetic is dipolar and quadrupolar. Apart from the obvious quantitative differences, in the above plot, an essential qualitative difference may be noticed. In the left panel, the black line which is the mean poloidal dipolar energy is is the dominant magn component while in the right panel it is relatively insignificant. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Regions and transition Ratio of fluctuating to mean poloidal magn energy Two types of dipolar dynamos Mean Dipolar (MD) Fluctuating Dipolar (FD) MD and FD dynamos correspond to rather different chaotic attractors in a fully chaotioc system The transition between them is not gradual but is an abrupt jump as a critical parameter value is surpassed. The nature of the transition is complicated. Therefore, I will prefer to represent the transition between the tow states as shown on this slide. Let me now discuss in more detail the nature of this transition. East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Bistability and hysteresis in the MD <==> FD transition Bistability and hysteresis in the ratio of fluctuating poloidal to mean poloidal magn energy (a) (b) (c) in all cases: The coexistence is not an isolated phenomenon but can be traced with variation of the parameters. PMD= 2.2 PFD = 0.5 σMD = 0.07 σFD = 1 The coexistence is not an isolated phenomenon limited to the case shown. In fact we have .... East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
(period of relaxation oscillations, clockwise) The hysteresis is a purely magnetic effect After magnetic field is suppressed both MD and FD dynamos equilibrate to statistically identical convective states (period of relaxation oscillations, clockwise) The hysteresis loops are purely magnetic phenomena. This may be easily demonstrated if we switch off the magnetic field in any of the dynamo solutions. For instance, performing that in the case discussed earlier we observe that one the magnetic field is removed the non-magnetic convection rapidly equilibrates to the same convective state. In this case this happens to be relaxation oscillations of thermal convection which is one of the well-known coherent states of turbulent rotationg convection.. Magnetic field is artificially suppressed, i.e. non-magnetic convection East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
A property comparison of MD and FD dynamos (Spatial structures) Snapshots of spatial structures The stronger magnetic field of MD dynamos counteracts differential rotation (diff rotation, meridional streamlines) Both MD and FD dynamos appear dipolar from the outside (radial magn field at r=ro+1.3, Earth's surface) FD dynamos have a somewhat more irregular and small-scale internal structure (Bphi and meridional fieldlines) East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
(Temporal variations) A property comparison of MD and FD dynamos (Temporal variations) Mean Dipolar (MD) dynamos are non-oscillatory. Fluctuating Dipolar (FD) dynamos are oscillatory. Half-period of oscillation in a FD dynamo (row-by-row) Notes: East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011
Conclusion We have described typical properties of self-consistent spherical dynamos in rotating spherical shells. Dynamo oscillations are typical temporal behaviour, Oscillations may lead to aperiodic reversals similar to geomagnetic reversals. Co-existence of chaotic attractors. In conclusion I hope to have been able to demonstrate that dynamo oscillations both of quadrupolar and dipolar dynamos are found very frequently in the parameter regions which are currently accessible to numerical simulations. Some of the oscillations can be understood in terms of linear dynamo waves while others are not so easy to interpret. However they might hold the key to understanding reversals and other interesting dynamo behaviour. Thank you for your attention! East Kilbride, 28 Oct 2011 Simitev, R., Busse, F.H., Prandtl number dependence of convection driven dynamos in rotating spherical fluid shells, J. Fluid Mech., 532, 365 – 388, 2005. Busse, F.H., Simitev, R., Parameter dependences of convection driven dynamos in rotating spherical fluid shells, GAFD, 100(4-5), pp. 341-361, 2006. Tilgner, A., Spectral methods for the simulation of incompressible flows in spherical shells, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 30, pp. 713- 724, 1999. Parker, E.N., Hydromagnetic dynamo models, Astrophys. J., 122, pp 293-314, 1955. Busse, F.H., Simitev, R., Toroidal flux oscillations as possible causes of geomagnetic excursions and reversals, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., DOI:10.1016/j.pepi.2008.06.007.