Michael jackson´s life The Bio History of Michael Joseph Jackson began when he was born on the 29th of August 1958 in Gary, Indiana. He was the 7th of nine children. (brothers: Sigmund "Jackie", Toriano "Tito", Jermaine, Marlon, Steven "Randy", and sisters Rebbie, Janet and La-Toya Jackson. Michael began his musical career at the age of 5 as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 who formed in 1964. In these early years the Jackson 5, Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon and lead singer Michael played local clubs and bars in Gary Indiana and moving further afield as there talents grew and they could compete in bigger competitions. From these early days Michael would be at the same clubs as big talented stars of there days, such as Jackie Wilson and would be learning from them even back then.
M i c h a e l j a c k s o n ' s death Michael Jackson's body was airlifted from hospital to the coroner's office in downtown Los Angeles. TV stations here carried live coverage of the helicopter's journey. An autopsy will be carried out later today to establish the precise cause of his death. Paramedics had been called to the Beverly Hills mansion Michael Jackson had been renting whilst he prepared for a series of fifty sold-out shows in London next month. The singer's brother Jermain told a news conference that after they failed to resuscitate him, Jackson was transferred to a nearby hospital where a team of doctors worked for more than an hour in a vain attempt to revive him. Only a few hours earlier Michael Jackson had been rehearsing at a local sports stadium, but concerns about his fitness for the concert tour had already begun to circulate, amid reports that he was looking frail. Hundreds of fans have maintained a vigil outside the hospital to which he was taken, some to mourn his passing, others to celebrate his music. For the all the controversy that surrounded the latter part of his career several commentators here have likened his musical legacy to that of Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Elvis Presley.
Michael jackson´s prizes Jackson received a star in the Walk of the Reputation of Hollywood. During his career he received numerous prizes and honors, between which they find the World Music Award to the artist pop more successful of the millenium, the prize LOVES the artist of the decade and the prize Bambi to the artist of the millenium. He was included twice in the Rock and roll Hall of Fame, in 1997 for the work that he realized as member of the band The Jackson 5 and in 2001 for the achievements that he had as soloist. Jackson also was included in the Lounge of the Reputation of the Composers in 2002. In addition, he won 13 prizes Grammy and 22 prizes AMA, 13 of his simple ones came to the Billboard Hot's first position 100 and there has sold throughout the world 750 millions of álbumes, which turned it into one of the most successful artists of all the times.
Michael Jackson´s glove One of the most important icons in Michael Jackson's image has been his white glove, this gauntlet that the singer pop used in the musical video of Thriller and that a few years ago was auctioned in Internet by an exit of 300 thousand dollars. The white glove has diamond inlays in the back and it concerned belonged to the collection deprived of the ex husband of Liza Minnelli, David Gest, after having received it as gift on behalf of the prince of the pop. Nevertheless, the ex husband of Minelli decided to sell it across eBay as a whole with a house of jewels of Paris.
By: Mª Elena Páez Marina Benito Raquel Erro Clara Boneta