Access to Global Research in Agriculture to Support National and Regional Research and Academic Programmes Gracian Chimwaza Executive Director, ITOCA
SCIENTIFIC AND KNOWLEDGE GAP Researchers: Total world share (Source: UNESCO1) Africa 2.2% Canada 1.9% USA 20.0% Asia 40.9% From the UNESCO Science Report 2010 World Intellectual Property Indicators 2010 Patent application share (Source: WIPO2) Developed Countries 74.1 % Rest of the World 25.9 %
African Agricultural Research OUTPUT landscape ACCESS ISSUES INFRASTRACTURE: IT/Internet connectivity Initiatives to address high bandwidth costs CONTENT: Digital collections growing Initiatives to improve access SKILLS AND AWARENESS ISSUES Information competence skills Low uptake and usage issues Scientific writing + publishing skills AGORA Increase access to high-quality, relevant literature in agriculture Improve the quality and effectiveness of education and training. Improve food security Improve research in agriculture and related sciences You can be an important ambassador for AGORA and Research4Life, especially by using these resources in your research, publishing and teaching.
Internet broadband expansion Undersea Cable Expansion Over 10 Tb + growing Inland connections still to come Last mile challenges - government, pvt, agents, NRENs,
Research investments of $ millions in the past 3 decades CONTENT ISSUES The most up-to-date research knowledge found in digital collections, databases ( e-journals, e-books, IR) Subscriptions increasing at 11-16% annually3 Research investments of $ millions in the past 3 decades Limited access to the world’s published knowledge results in Duplication of efforts Limits in innovation and diminished ROI Offline access to literature is still necessary for some institutions due to limited Internet infrastructure
EFFORTS TO IMPROVE CONTENT ACCESS OA initiatives AGRIS OER’s Institutional Repositories PLOS Research4Life is the collective name for four programmes: Hinari, AGORA, OARE and ARDI that provide lower income countries with free or low cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content online. Research4Life is a public-private partnership of the World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Environment Programme, Cornell and Yale Universities and the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers in addition to over 200 publisher and technology partners. Research4Life’s goal is to reduce the scientific knowledge gap between higher income and lower income countries Examples of bridging solutions (not OA)
Delivering access to more than 68 000 of the world’s leading primary research and review journals
OFFLINE RESOURCES Offline electronic access (no Internet required) – available on LAN’s Instantly access thousands of full-text articles from about 500 journals in agricultural and related sciences 750,000+ peer-reviewed published journal articles 100+ publishers Access to 20 years journal collection + updated annually Full text PDF articles Available in 109 countries
Thank YOU AGORA Increase access to high-quality, relevant literature in agriculture Improve the quality and effectiveness of education and training. Improve food security Improve research in agriculture and related sciences You can be an important ambassador for AGORA and Research4Life, especially by using these resources in your research, publishing and teaching.