Telescope Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV) WBS 04C. 14 J Telescope Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV) WBS 04C.14 J. Sebag August 2016
Maximize vendor testing and verification Telescope AIV Summary Maximize vendor testing and verification Work with contractors on Factory Acceptance Tests and On-Site Acceptance Tests Include Handling and Safety Hazard from the start to ensure safe and efficient AIV Surrogate masses and Handling procedures verified Rely on Intimate knowledge of Telescope subsystem designs for faster AIV Fully integrated AIV Team Optimize overlap between sequenced activities to avoid schedule conflicts Regular reviews to keep track of construction progress Demonstrate most telescope performances before commissioning Coordination with commissioning and operations
Telescope AIV Documentation/Verification Process Telescope AIV Plan (LTS-104) Verification Matrix (in progress) LSST T&S AIV Plan and Verification Matrix LSST T&S Inspection/Test Plan Inspection/Test Procedures Inspection/Test Reports Compliance Matrix
Robust AIV Sequence in Phase with Subsystem Delivery Three Major Phases Organized for efficient and Safe integration and test: Phase 1 (P1): Dome/Mount/Coating Plant (“Heavy Construction”) Phase 2 (P2): Mirror Coating and Mirror Assemblies Integration Phase 3 (P3): Alignment and Testing Phase 1 (P1) ~2years until end of 2018 Phase 2 (P2) ~1year until April 2019 Phase 3 (P3) ~6 months until Sept 2019 START END P1 P3 P2 From LTS-104 AIV Plan
Telescope AIV is Ramping Up AIV sequence has started with preparation of PFlow platform lift tower installation on the summit AIV Equipment is being selected and purchased AIV Integration instrumentation is being designed and contracted AIV team is being consolidated AIV sequence is being updated Example of Assembled Frame Example of Crane being investigated Filter exchanger for commissioning camera PFlow platform lift tower
PFlow Tower Installation Procedure Work with Platform Lift vendor PFlow to define tower installation procedure on site Work with subcontractor to install tower and to verify installation
In the Process of Building Telescope AIV Team Build core AIV team in Chile that will continue during commissioning and operations Include as much as possible current team members into AIV team Some LSST Team members are already present in Chile (Site Manager, Admin, Engineering, Software) Continuing the process of identifying/hiring AIV team Recent Hiring includes Freddy Munoz, Mechanical/Integration engineer (in Chile) James Howard, Mechanical/Integration Instrumentation engineer (in Tucson) Interviews and more job openings this year
Envisioned Roles Needed for Telescope AIV Team Project Roles: Telescope Team Management, Summit Site Manager, Resource Allocation (PMCS-EV), Safety Coordinators (2), Administration, Facility Operations Deputy Project Manager for AIV, System Engineer, Documentation Specialist, Data Analyst Scientific Roles (Telescope, Calibration, Scheduler) Engineering Roles: Mechanical (5), Electrical (4), Software (7), Optical (2), Coating, Network, IT, Computer, Calibration/Site Monitoring Technician Roles: Mechanical (4), Electrical/Electronics (3), Optical, Coating, Network/IT, Calibration, Telescope Assistants (2)
AIV Team Chart Integrated Within T&S Org Chart Work in Progress to complete the AIV Team
Subsystems Delivered with Handling Equipment and Surrogates Masses Vendors are responsible for design, fabrication and tests of handling equipment and surrogate masses for their subsystem These are delivered with the subsystem Camera Assembly Lifter M2 Surrogate Mirror M1M3 Surrogate Mirror M1M3 Cell Assembly Cart Camera Assembly Surrogate Mass
Surrogates Masses used during testing at Vendor M2 hexapod test payloads for different load tests M2 Hexapod system testing at Moog CSA
Sufficient summit facility floor space and clearance for M1M3 Cell and Surrogate Mirror Assembly M1M3 Mirror Cart 1 M1M3 Cell Reception 2 4 3 M1M3 Surrogate Mirror Cell Installed on Cart From Integration and Test Plan (LTS-104)
Demonstrate Most Telescope Performances Before Commissioning On-axis Image Quality Performance Image Quality Degradation with Zenith Slewing, Pointing and Tracking Performance Throughput Early System Commissioning with Commissioning Camera to continue AOS testing: Guiding using CCDs in camera Active Optics using focal plane as wavefront sensor Final System Commissioning with Science Camera to finalize AOS testing: Guiding using Guiders in camera Active Optics using full focal plane Active Optics using WFS in camera
Cross section of M1M3 cell showing laser tracker in center Tools Included For On-Axis Alignment and Testing Before Delivery of Science Camera Portable Laser tracker for initial alignment Cross section of M1M3 cell showing laser tracker in center M3 Interferometer to test M1M3 mirror support system Hexapod Rotator Camera Support Assembly with Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor to Measure Wavefront On-Axis
Commissioning camera (ComCam) for initial off-axis alignment 3-Lenses FOV Corrector (2 lenses + dewar window) 40-arcmin Focal Plane Composed of one CCD raft (3x3 CCD Detectors) Intra and Extra focal images used for Wavefront Analysis (on and off-axis) Filters Window 374 mm 309 mm Hexapod Rotator Camera Support Assembly with ComCam