POLARIS SOFTWARE Polaris Software Lab Ltd, a public listed company found in the year 1993 is the world's most sophisticated insurance and banking Software Company. Polaris offers state of the art comprehensive solutions for core banking, wealth and asset management, insurance and corporate banking. The company is rated among the top 8 Information Technology service providers in the global banking scenario.
The headquarters of the Polaris are located at Chennai India the company has more than 10,000 experts in various fields to cater to their global client requirements.
FEATURES 1. Global Sourcing and Managed services : Polaris Global Account Management Group works with key relationships around Retail banking cluster, Capital market Cluster, Corporate banking cluster, Insurance cluster and Risk and Treasury cluster. Polaris dedicates Strategic Relationships and Delivery Units (SRDU) for each key account, which works with the client in building and maintaining the client’s critical applications.
Global Centers of Excellence dynamically enhance the collective competencies of our customer’s internal technology teams. These centers are Independent Testing, Collaboration, Data, Channels, Legacy AMS, Remote infrastructure Management and Insurance.
2. Polaris Advanced Financial technology Group This group has built more than 95 different Banking products and over 70 products for the Insurance sector using state-of -the-art SOA technology. These products can be seamlessly integrated into existing infrastructure, or can be added on at will, to provide new services.
3. Consulting Services To help banks enhance their efficiencies, upgrade application capabilities and comply with current global regulatory requirements, Polaris identifies and streamlines critical business processes through its Business Process Mapping and Wiring consulting services. Its Enterprise Architecture consulting service helps build business technology strategies. Insurance clients benefit through identification of customer preferences and new distribution channels that can encompass multiple delivery models and methods to actively link customers, agents, brokers and partner networks resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.
4. FT Infrastructure Polaris offers a complete Enterprise Class end-to-end solution, branded as FT Grid. With multiple features such as virtualization, scalability, reliability, global reach, 24x7x365 support with vernacular localization and information security that enables services to be provided at the customer's doorstep, the FT Grid gives banks and financial institutions ready access to applications on a robust infrastructure. With license procurement and maintenance factored in, FT Grid aids in significantly reducing costs.
The FT Grid allows Polaris to take its Financial Technology infrastructure and banking products to the 3 major global markets across geographies keeping in mind their respective requirements. FT Grid 7010 Core Banking provides for Global banks in developing economies such as India, Bangladesh, African Countries and Vietnam. FT Grid 9010 Corporate Banking for developed markets such as US, Canada & Australia. FT Grid 8010 Capital Markets caters to Maturing Markets in the European Union.
ADVANTAGES Higher technology adoption by banks’ users and its customers. More straight-through transactions – resulting in better operational effectiveness. Lower latency, faster response and lesser time for back end processing ensures higher performance from lower technology infrastructure investments. Better diagnostics of opportunities and constraints for leadership interventions - better Analytics.
Preventive risks, early warning triggers and patterns. More integrated solutions between banking applications, inter-banking transactions, corporate ERP systems, regulatory protocols and exchanges. Highly secure transactions.
The entity in Polaris offers the following distinct advantages in the chosen area of technology and business applications. The increased productivity from understanding of the domain. The expertise in the entity is nurtured through stringent certification, mentoring and on the job.
The serve as extended technology and business arm for customers for predictable results with assured value and speed. The Polaris retail banking brings Application Development and Maintenance, Sata warehousing and Business Analytics Solutions, Application Renovation, Outsourcing, Application Integration, Customer On boarding Solution, Delinquency Management Solutions, Service Excellence Solutions.
Present day tech-savvy bankers are now more looking at reduction in their operating costs by adopting scalable and secure technology thereby reducing the response time to their customers so as to improve their client base and economies of scale. The solution lies to market demands and challenges lies in innovation of new offering with minimum dependence on branches a multi-channel bank and to eliminate the disadvantage of an inadequate branch network. Generation of leads to cross sell and creating additional revenues with utmost customer satisfaction has become focal point worldwide for the success of a Bank.
The ability to initiate various enquiries and transactions for a given customer from a single window is a great productivity enhancer, especially for call-centre operators.
APPLICATION Retail banking Core Banking -Retail banking solutions - fully integrated next generation multichannel access platform for retail customers. Core Banking - Core banking solutions - a highly scalable core banking solution
Corporate banking -Corporate banking solution - enabling bank’s customers to manage payments and funds efficiently by integrating with their ERP systems Investment banking -Investment banking portal - analytical portal for HNI and private customers to view their consolidated domestic and international holdings