Big Idea-Looking Into Lives 9th Grade Memoir Project Can Embedded Advisory Expectations promote a more promising, positive community? How does any teacher spark a student’s interest and empower student’s to delve into challenging texts and connect to self and the world around them in a standards based memoir?
Who are my community of 9th grade learners? What are we offering them for their tomorrows?Eclectic,creative ,diversified, risk takers Dreamers...Young; ImmatureSome soaring..some angry..some passionateSome testing the winds of lifeSome unsure to flyAndSome hiding in a nest of confusion.What runs through a 13-16 years old mind?Who are they they search for meaning in an American school system..
City of Providence First Quarter Unit District-Big Idea First Quarter Portfolio Project Unit 1.3 - Writing a Personal Memoir: Writing Process (10 days) Generate a personal narrative. • Demonstrate command of English writing and grammar conventions. • Show understanding of narrative strategies. x Convey proper tone, voice, point of view, and necessary details to capture the writer’s perspective. x Apply appropriate conventions of grammar and writing to correct errors. x Create imagery and descriptive details in advancing a coherent storyline. If you have on-lie access I suggest you take a few moments and visit the District’s web site
I am template-A way into the memoir writing process Poetry rubric Writing tool box-Time -line 10 days You are expected to draft a creative memoir for your quarter project. Each slide is one step toward your final project ... I am template-A way into the memoir writing process Poetry rubric Peer assessment feedback sheet Memoir rubric
I am I love I came from I experienced I understand I dream of
Pre-write Poetic Rubric
Engages and orients the reader through the use of theme and tone Expectations Exceeds standard 4 Meets standard 3 Nearly meets standard 2 Below standard 1 * Engages and orients the reader through the use of theme and tone Skillfully hooks reader’s interest by using a similar tone and theme reflecting the author’s purpose in the sample poem. Skillfully maintains a consistent thematic focus Effectively hooks reader’s interest by using a similar tone and theme reflecting the author’s purpose in the sample poem. W10-12.1, 12.2, W10-13.1 Effectively maintains a consistent thematic focus W10-4.5 Attempts to hook reader’s interest by using a similar tone and theme reflecting the author’s purpose in the sample poem. Attempts to maintain a consistent thematic focus Weak and/or confusing attempt to hook reader’s interest by using a similar tone and theme reflecting the author’s purpose in the sample poem. Little or no attempt to maintain a thematic focus Uses literary devices and/or figurative language Issues: quantifiers Use language from GSEs Skillfully uses literary devices and figurative language to demonstrate student’s understanding Uses more than 5 different examples of literary devices and/or figurative language Accurately underlines and labels all literary devices and/or figurative language Effectively uses literary devices and figurative language to demonstrate student’s understanding W10-12.2, 13.1, 13.2 Uses 5 different W10-13.2, Accurately underlines and labels 5 literary devices and/or figurative language Attempts to use literary devices and figurative language to demonstrate student’s understanding Uses 3-4 different Inaccurately underlines and labels literary devices and/or figurative language Little or no attempt to use literary devices and figurative language to demonstrate student’s understanding Uses 1-2 different Little or no attempt to underline and label literary devices and/or figurative language Creates an organized poetic structure Skillfully creates an organized poetic structure Effectively creates an organized poetic structure W10-12.3 Attempts to create an organized poetic structure Little or no attempt to create an organized poetic structure Demonstrates understanding of English language conventions Demonstrates consistent control of usage, grammar, punctuation, and spelling Demonstrates control of usage, grammar, punctuation, and spelling (W10-9.1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Occasional errors do not usually interfere with meaning Demonstrates little control of usage, grammar, punctuation, and spelling Errors interfere with meaning Demonstrates very little control of usage, grammar, punctuation, and spelling Numerous errors interfere with meaning