Tell them we left singing. - Etty Hillesum
Bielec Six-Word Memoirs
The history…
For sale: baby shoes, never worn.
Your first task… Hemingway wrote his story in six words. Using 5-7 minutes, expand on the meaning of the story. Fill in the details of the never worn baby shoes for sale.
What is a memoir?
Now you are going to read some examples… Each student in class has a different page from the book. Your task is to read a number of pages and record your favorites on your own sheet of paper. There is no minimum or maximum. Just enjoy it.
Your HW (due tomorrow) Your homework will be to create your own six-word memoir. You have one sheet of final copy paper. All memoirs must be done on this sheet. You may include pictures and play with color, font, and text size. Be creative.
Do not put your name on the front! Write it small on the back. The only grade you will receive is for completion. If you do it you are good. If not, you get a zero.
Contest to be held tomorrow .