Personal Writing Unit Two
Personal Writing One of the major types of writing is personal writing. It is what it sounds like. It’s writing that is personal. This is a very different type of writing than transactive writing (persuasive, informational, & analytical writing.
Personal Writing vs. Transactive Writing
Personal Writing vs. Transactive Writing 1) Communicates the significance of a central idea or insight that has deep personal meaning to the writer. 2) Purpose is more reflective, although the tone may sound persuasive. 3) Development of the piece is based upon the writer’s personal experiences or anecdotes. 4) Written in first person; more conversational or entertaining in style 5) Appears in an essay or Op-Ed format 6) More subjective and/or informal in tone and topic 1) Conveys information to a reader who knows less than the writer; may attempt to persuade a reader to take a particular action or believe in a certain way. 2) Purpose is more persuasive, an attempt to convince others to agree with the writer's position. 3) Development of the piece is based upon research from credible sources 4) Usually written in third person; more issue driven and formal or academic style 5) Appears in a real world form such as a letter, an editorial, or a feature article 6) More objective and/or informal in tone and topic
Three Types of Personal Writing Personal Memoir Personal Essay Personal Narrative
What is a personal essay? Writing that is focused on a belief or insight that is significant to the writer. This is different from: a personal narrative (focused on a single event) a personal memoir (focused on a single moment between the writer and a person, place, or object)
Instead, a personal essay often combines elements of both a personal narrative and memoir. After all, a personal belief is likely to be based on both experiences and values— which have taught the writer what values are most important.
Differences between three types? Did reading the 3 samples help?
Personal Essay!
Your Next Writing Assignment: “This I Believe” Essay-Writing Assignment Rough Draft Due: Wednesday, March 2nd Final Draft Due: Friday, March 4th
Exit Ticket/Review 1) How is personal writing different from transactive writing? 2) What is a personal memoir? 3) What is a personal narrative? 4) What is a personal essay? 5) Which one are we going to write?
Free-Write! In your writer’s journal/notebook, write today’s date and the title “Beliefs.” You are going to begin thinking about your beliefs, and begin connecting them to your experiences. Address 2 or more of the provided belief prompts in a journal entry. Make it at least a page! Give it all you got!