Sustainable Development B.Ed. Elective Sustainable Development: Concepts & Review
What is Sustainable Development? Use the format in front of you to outline what Sustainable Development means to you Now collaborate with three or four others to create a completed group format of your concepts Present group format to audience
Mindmap Sustainable Development
Global Perspective June 1992 – Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 150 Nations Agenda set to address the environmental, social and economic challenges facing the international community This was a statement of intent & commitment to Sustainable Development into the 21st Century Hence name: Agenda 21
Agenda 21 40 Chapters Poverty Deforestation Health Waste management Energy consumption UK Government signed agreement and asked local authorities to develop strategies for delivering Agenda 21 within their communities
Local Agenda 21 Initiatives Process shaped by conditions, resources and attitudes in different areas, but certain common factors will be present: Integrating economic, social and environmental aims Community involvement Consensus building Actions based on clear understanding of local needs & priorities Development of a system of monitoring progress
Glasgow: A Case Study Local Agenda 21 4 objectives met at local, national ad international level: Social progress which recognises the needs of everyone Maintenance of high & stable levels of economic development & employment Effective protection of the environment Prudent use of natural resources
Scottish Executive? Defined sustainable community as one where people work together to ensure their long term social, economic, and environmental well being It is a place with: A prosperous economy An inclusive society A healthy environment
Science Strategy for Scotland Section 4: Promote the awareness, appreciation and understanding of science across society Requires the skilled communication of the impact of science on everyday life, including the benefits & risks, on a foundation of a sound scientific education system and access to information
SEED: National Priorities in Education National Priority 4 Values & Citizenship Innovations such as Eco-schools selected by SEED as a performance measure for this National Priority Education Authorities must report on: ‘the number/ percentage of primary & secondary schools within their area that are participating in an accredited ecological award’
Primary School Perspective Typical Focus Areas: Litter Waste minimisation Energy Water Transport Health & well-being School grounds Excellent context for cross curricular work
This slide set has been released as part of the OSIER project, which is promoting the use of resources to support the training of practitioners in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship within the curricula of all of the home nations of the United Kingdom. You can find out more about the project on the ‘About’ page of the project repository site. OSIER is part of the second round of the UK OER (Open Educational Resources) programme, funded by HEFCE and administered by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). The slide set was prepared by Robert Collins and copyright resides with the author. Any images or other materials are original unless stated otherwise. Copyright images may be excluded from the Creative Commons licence described below. The resource is made freely available under Creative Commons licence BY-NC-SA which allows you to use this material for any purpose as long as you: acknowledge the original author do not use it for commercial purposes publish any derived materials under the same licence conditions You can find out more about this licence at: September 2011 This slide sets out the licence conditions for this slide set. The author should edit the relevant fields in square brackets.