LUNDAVRA PRIMARY SCHOOL – CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK SUBJECTS Whole school overviews for: Maths Coverage Mental Maths Programme P1-3 Literacy Key Skills Highland Literacy Programme/Big Writing Health and Wellbeing Science inc. Highland Science Framework RME inc. Highland RME Framework ICT in Learning Anywhere, anytime learning for everyone Creative use of technology in Learning Efficient, effective use of resources IDL Cross Curricular topics Planned on a three-year rolling programme E’s and O’s coverage mapped out Curricular subject links made where appropriate Whole school IDL projects Global/Sustainable Education Health and Wellbeing focus WIDER ACHIEVEMENTS ACE Time activities/pupil choice Pupil Council Buddies Red Caps/Playground Leaders Eco-Committee Sports Pathways School clubs/activities Extra-curricular clubs Local sports clubs School/Lochaber/ National competitions Outdoor Learning Pathways Outdoor play env Forestry Ranger work Use of local environment/Glen Nevis Active Schools activities P6 Glencoe activities P7 Badaguish Residential week Dance/performance Pathways Dance Platform School Play Local/Regional/ national organisations CURRICULUM PARTNERS Eco-School Partners Lochaber waste Lochaber Environmental Group West Highland College Glen Nevis Partnership Forestry Rangers John Muir Trust Lochaber Fisheries Active Schools Local employers Grounds for Learning BUILDING FOUNDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE