Transitioning to an inclusive green economy based on sustainable consumption and production patterns EU Brussels – 27 September 2016
SDGs orienting the transformation towards an inclusive green economy based on SCP patterns End poverty in all its forms everywhere Ensure sustainable food production systems, end all forms of malnutrition (2.2; 2.4) Oceans and forests (goals 14 and 15) Reduce number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals, pollution and contamination (3.9) Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (goal 13) Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth (8.4 –decoupling) Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns knowledge and skills for sustainable development…and sustainable lifestyles [..]’. (4.7) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (goal 11) Reference: Setting course for inclusive green economies (PAGE) Analysis of the 10YFP contribution to the SDGs (10YFP) Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable (9.4) Water quality, water-use efficiency and integrated water resources management (6.3; 6.4; 6.5) Renewable energy and energy efficiency (7.2; 7.3)
UNEP’s integrated advisory services at regional and national levels Support regional and national policy advocacy, demonstration and awareness- raising activities including through green business development Deliver advisory services based on assessments of policies, including investment, fiscal and macro-economic policies Deliver country-specific support to national partners to mainstream SCP objectives in national development plans and strategies. Deliver advisory services, solutions/responses, including on legislative frameworks, sectoral laws and regulations to promote IGE through the shift to SCP Support institutional strengthening and partnership building (inter-ministerial, public- private) Provide technical support and capacity- development for implementation, monitoring and upscaling Assessments and analysis Monitoring outcomes Implementation Mainstreaming. action plans sectoral, trade and macroeconomic policies and market based instruments Policy design Stakeholder consultation Capacity development Pirioritize reforms Institutional strengthening Projects are specializing and focusing their interventions on one or several aspects of the policy cycle: macroeconomic policies in particular investment, finance, fiscal, trade (PAGE, GEC…), while SCP is working on sectoral policies and business support services.
The 10YFP: a global mandate A global framework adopted by Heads of State at Rio+20 for international cooperation to shift towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns, implementation of which is target 12.1 in the SDGs Accelerate the shift towards SCP in all countries by supporting regional and national policies and initiatives Increase RE and decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, creating decent jobs and contributing to poverty eradication and shared prosperity Support capacity- building and facilitate access to financial and technical assistance for developing countries, to implement SCP activities at all levels Serve as an information and knowledge sharing platform on SCP to enable all stakeholders to exchange policies, tools, initiatives and best practices, enhancing cooperation
Each 10YFP programme serves ~ 3 SDG targets HLPF Raising awareness and increasing cooperation and information sharing among all stakeholders Supporting the integration of SCP in decision- making at all levels (strategic planning and policymaking) Supporting implementation of SCP activities at the regional, sub-regional and national levels Supporting capacity building and facilitating access to financial and technical assistance Making use of the scientific and policy knowledge base, fostering innovation and new ideas 10YFP Board Regional platforms on SCP National Focal Points network (127 countries) & Stakeholder Focal Points Trust Fund to support developing countries Six global thematic and sectoral programmes, with over 450 partners worldwide UN Environment as Secretariat
A joint offer and coordination Platform to Transition to an IGE 5 UN agencies mobilizing respective ministries and stakeholders for integrated policymaking Other actors: Green Economy Coalition, Sustain labour, WWF, GFN … Other Partnerships: GGKP, UNEP FI, PEI, Switch, UN REDD, CC Learn, 10YFP, … Green Industry Green Economy Green Jobs Green Development Training & skills Other Int. agencies (GGGI, FAO, GEF)
A joint offer and coordination Platform to aDVance THE 2030 AGENDA
A joint offer and coordination Platform to aDVance THE 2030 AGENDA Planning finance, and policy environment National institutions Civil society, private sector, Government, academia Ministries and inter-ministerial committees Other Initiatives International Experts
Delivering in the regions through SWITCH to Green Started in 2013, 6 countries Policy design Policy implementation Strategic env assessment Industrial policy & SME support Started in 2012, 8 countries Regional and national policy support SCP NAPs & demonstration Networking facility Green entrepreneurship Started in 2007, 19 countries > 90 country projects in SWITCH I, first call under SWITCH II launched Regional and national policy support components Network facility Regional SCP roadmap link to 10YFP Started in 2014, 6 countries 34 country, regional and sub-regional projects Regional policy support National coordinators Networking facility Links to 10YFP programmes
Action and potential at the country level: Mongolia PAGE, PEI, SWITCH-Asia, SPPEL, UN REDD and Ozone Action are working together in Mongolia PAGE: setting targets for Green Development Policy, mobilizing finance, fiscal policy, waste management strategy for Green Jobs. Joint work of PAGE and SWITCH-Asia on Green Buildings resulted in Draft Green Building Guidelines for Schools Buildings Outcomes of SPP work will be applied in building and operating1200 new schools by the Ministry of Education. PEI and PAGE are working on extractives and Sovereign Wealth funds with Ministry of Finance. UN-REDD and PAGE developing plans on achieving the forest coverage target under Green Development Policy. Ozone Action and PAGE activities integrated to connect this work with green buildings and sustainable public procurement, to reduce GHG emissions and use and release of ozone depleting substances.
Building synergies at country level: Peru PAGE country. Focus issue: sustainable industry SCP/RE strategy SPPEL as a priority action: shaping the market Eco-innovation in companies
UNEP - SWITCH-Asia RPSC and UNEP Finance Initiative G20 Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group - National Policy-Industry Dialogue: Enhancing Capital Flows to Energy Efficiency Investments in China’s Building Sector Policy Brief on Enhancing Capital Flows for Energy Efficiency Investments in China’s Building Sector Six Chinese Banks Endorse the Energy Efficiency Finance Statement promoted in the G20 (News Article, Post from ICBC, Post from CIB) Survey for bank signatories to be launched next week Presentation of the Chinese banks mobilization to G20 delegates 12