Planning & Development Services Throughout your presentation please ensure you are adhering to the style guide. Do not use additional pictures, clipart, etc. Planning & Development Services
Areas of Responsibility Functions/Areas of Responsibility (One slide with max. 8 bullet points) - This slide should include a high level overview of your departments divisions, functions, and/or areas of responsibility Areas of Responsibility Development Review. (DRC Review, Building Permits, Landscape Permits) Code Enforcement Action & Nuisance Abatement Program. Land Development Code, Comprehensive Plan. New City Downtown Project - Pioneer Grove. County and State Concurrency. Liaisons to the: Code Enforcement Special Master Community Appearance Board Planning & Zoning Board Zoning Appeals Special Master
Completed the Pioneer Grove Land Use Plan and Zoning Amendment. FY 17 Achievements (One slide with max 8 bullet points) - Include major accomplishments that stem from policy discussions made by the City Commission, formal recognitions of achievement from outside agencies/organizations, or improvements to customer service. 2017 Achievements Completed the Pioneer Grove Land Use Plan and Zoning Amendment. Created the Pioneer Grove Design Standards. Code Changes for: Residential Single Family Short Term Rentals Sign Code Revision Development & Process Changes (In process) Commercial Zoning (In process) Filled Vacant Staffing Positions in Planning and Building Divisions.
Performance Measures 2016 2017 (Oct. – May) Number of Major Projects 5 FY 17 Performance Measures YTD (One slide in table format include 2016 actual and 2017 ytd.) - Some departments have several measures that indicate operational performance. Measures provided on this slide should be limited to those with fiscal impacts, support proposed highlights and enhancements, or measures directly related to customer service. Performance Measures 2016 2017 (Oct. – May) Number of Major Projects 5 7 (est. 10) Number of Permits (Building, Landscape, C.U.) 5,866 3,720 (est. 6,400) Number of Courtesy Notices 2,598 1,685 (est. 2,700) Number of Notice of Violations 1,719 908 (1,560)
Policy Considerations Policy Considerations - This slide is reserved for externalities affecting your department, new or imminent federal or state legislation or environmental issues such as see level rise are a few examples. Additionally, consider policy decisions that need to be addressed by the City Commission in order to prevent or resolve an issue, or provide direction to move forward. Policy Considerations Reinstitute the Unsafe Structures Board. Updates to the Dixie Business Residential District. Zoning and Land Use changes to previously unincorporated Broward County. Increase number of code zones by adding additional officers.
Budget Summary – Planning Division Budget Summary FY 17 Approved vs. FY 18 Request- For those with multiple divisions, there should be one slide per division with justification provided; otherwise delete and complete the budget summary slide. Budget Summary – Planning Division Division FY17 Adopted FY18 Dept. Request % Change $ Per Resident Planning $1,301,447 $1,554,743 19% $20.02
Program and Service Enhancements – Planning This slide should be reserved to justify budget changes/increases proposed in you operations for FY 18. Each bullet should include justification, additional expenses, potential increases in revenue, new or improved services to customers, and personnel changes. In departments that have more than one division, this slide should be placed after each division budget summary. Program and Service Enhancements – Planning New software programs: City Engine ARC GIS 3D Change Tree Keeper to IGO Tree Inventory Renovate Front Desk area for customers. Phase 2 of the Pioneer Grove Infrastructure Plan (to include DBR). Complete Comprehensive Code Change Website Design for Pioneer Grove. Ground signs and Wayfinding Signage for Pioneer Grove.
Budget Summary – Building Division Budget Summary FY 17 Approved vs. FY 18 Request- For those with multiple divisions, there should be one slide per division with justification provided; otherwise delete and complete the budget summary slide. Budget Summary – Building Division Division FY17 Adopted FY18 Dept. Request % Change $ Per Resident Building $2,743,127 $3,017,439 10% $38.85
Program and Service Enhancements - Building This slide should be reserved to justify budget changes/increases proposed in you operations for FY 18. Each bullet should include justification, additional expenses, potential increases in revenue, new or improved services to customers, and personnel changes. In departments that have more than one division, this slide should be placed after each division budget summary. Program and Service Enhancements - Building Renovate front desk and employee seating areas. Institute new customer tracking system. Institute new check in and processing of permit system.
Budget Summary – Code Compliance Division Budget Summary FY 17 Approved vs. FY 18 Request- For those with multiple divisions, there should be one slide per division with justification provided; otherwise delete and complete the budget summary slide. Budget Summary – Code Compliance Division Division FY17 Adopted FY18 Dept. Request % Change $ Per Resident Code Compliance $942,178 0% $12.13
Program and Service Enhancements – Code This slide should be reserved to justify budget changes/increases proposed in you operations for FY 18. Each bullet should include justification, additional expenses, potential increases in revenue, new or improved services to customers, and personnel changes. In departments that have more than one division, this slide should be placed after each division budget summary. Program and Service Enhancements – Code Enforcement of the Short Term Rental Ordinance (Host Compliance). Create a separate entrance for Code Compliance customers. Increased the number of services under the Nuisance Abatement Program.
Budget Summary - Division Budget Summary FY 17 Approved vs. FY 18 Request- For those with multiple divisions, there should be one slide per division with justification provided; otherwise delete and complete the budget summary slide. Budget Summary - Division Division FY17 Adopted FY18 Dept. Request % Change $ Per Resident Code Compliance $942,178 0% $12.13 Code Compliance* $1,302,178 38% $16.76
Budget Summary – Department Total To be used if multiple divisions in a department…. Break out separately if an enterprise fund. Budget Summary – Department Total Department FY17 Adopted FY18 Department Request Change $ Per Resident PD&S 4,986,752 5,514,360 10% $71.00
Budget Summary - Department To be used if multiple divisions in a department…. Break out separately if an enterprise fund. Budget Summary - Department Department FY17 Adopted FY18 Department Request Change $ Per Resident PD&S 4,986,752 5,514,360 10% $71.00 Code Change* 5,874,360 17% $75.64