Debriefing ‘The North’ and Power & Pride Grenoble Tivoli Tobermory Debriefing ‘The North’ and Power & Pride Metz Klagenfurt Petrovac Tula
Again, what did the North represent?
Metz is actually a city in… All countries in PNP are named after cities in the countries that they actually represent Germany
Petrovac is a city in… Serbia
Tobermory is a city in… Great Britain
Grenoble is a city in… France
Tivoli is a city in… Italy
Tula is a city in… Russia
Klagenfurt is a city in… Austria, and represented Austria-Hungary
And remember all those colonies? They represented actual places too!
Abyssinia is a former nation located near present day Ethiopia. Kamina is a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Abyssinia is a former nation located near present day Ethiopia. Rangoon is a large city and former capital of Burma Bauru is a city in Brazil Baw is located next to Mt. Baw Baw in Australia Tandil is a province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
And even the relationships on your country cards… They represented the history of the relationships of the countries of Europe. Welcome to: Metz Foreign Relations Money to spend Welcome to: Klagenfurt Foreign Relations Money to spend Welcome to: Tobermory Foreign Relations Money to spend Welcome to: Tula Foreign Relations Money to spend Welcome to: Petrovac Foreign Relations Money to spend Welcome to: Grenoble Foreign Relations Money to spend Welcome to: Tivoli Foreign Relations Money to spend
Why did Metz and Klagenfurt have such a strong bond? Because Germany (Metz) and Austria (Klagenfurt) had not only a common border, but also a long common history and culture. They also share the same language, German.
Why did Metz feel dominant over Grenoble? Because Grenoble (France) lost to Metz (Germany) during the the Franco-Prussian War of 1870
World War One Overview Fought primarily in Europe 1914 - 1918 Alliances & main nations: Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers England, France, Russia (and US later)
The MAIN causes of WWI Militarism: Policy of glorifying military power, then building a strong standing army Alliances: A formal agreement between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes
The MAIN causes of WWI Imperialism: Policy in which a nation seeks to dominate other countries Nationalism: Belief that people should be loyal to their nation; pride in one’s country