Strengthsfinder 2.0
Algebra F One should waste as little effort as possible on improving areas of low competence. Peter Drucker
The Role of Strength-Based Leadership Weakness Focus (Performance Reviews, Professional Development/Training)
Three signs of a miserable job Most influential in terms of job satisfaction = direct manager 1. Anonymity – not known 2. Irrelevance – doesn’t matter 3. Immeasurability – doesn’t contribute - Lencioni Validation = reinforcing what others do well.
What those who follow us want from their Leaders. Trust = Honesty = Ethos Stability = Core Values = Belief = Logos Compassion = relational = Pathos Hope = Future = direction
Leadership Style Metaphor Leadership Style Thinking = Poet = Strategic = analytical Striving = Worker = Executor = driven Relating = Priest = Relationship building = people Impacting = Warrior = Influencer = motivational
Executing Influencing Relational Strategic Achiever Activator (E) Adaptability (E) Analytical Arranger (S) Command Developer (I) Context Belief Communication (R) Connectedness Futuristic Consistency (S) Competition Empathy Ideation Deliberative (S) Maximiser Harmony Input Discipline Self-Assurance (E) Includer Intellection Focus Significance (E) Individualisation Learner Responsibility (R) Woo Positivity (I) Restorative Relator
Executing Influencing Relational Strategic Roselynn (3, 2R) Ruth (2, 1R, 1S, 1E) Brenden (4, 1S) David (4, 1R) Jodi (3, 2R) Alice (3, 1R, 1S) Shannon (3, 2R) Ana (3, 2R) Sarah S (3, 1R, 1I) Jason (3, 1R, 1S) Reuben (4, 1S) Luke (3, 1R, 1S) Tina (4, 1E) Josh (4, 1R) Kelly (4, 1E) Chris (2, 2S, 1R) Simon (3, 1R, 1S) Paul (3, 2E) Rosemary (3,1R,1S) Carah (4, 1E) Sarah B (4, 1E) Steven (3, 2E) Catherine (2, 2S, 1E)
Some definitions Executing: Individuals with the majority of their strengths in this leadership style are adept at making things happen. They “catch” ideas easily and naturally make them a reality. They tend to be the ones who implement specific solutions. Influencing: Individuals with influencing strengths help their teams reach a broader audience. They are the salespeople for a team’s ideas. Not only that, they naturally tend to “own” the responsibility for getting the message across. Relationship Building: Individuals with relationship building strengths are the human glue that holds a team together. They take a group of individuals and create synergetic groups that work better together than they could apart. Strategic Thinking: Individuals with strategic thinking strengths essentially keep everyone focused on what could – and should – be. They use information to help the team make informed decisions.
Group Exercise Is the leadership strength reflective of the way you lead/function in a team situation? What one did you think you would be? Any questions?
Individuals may not be well rounded or possess strengths in all areas…it is a virtual impossibility. However based on extensive gallup research teams need to be well balanced across 4 key domains of leadership strength: Executing, Influence, relationship Building and strategic thinking. Clip: Dan Cathy CEO Chick-Fil-A
Leadership Team Executing Influencing Relational Strategic Chris (2, 2S, 1R) Jan (3, 1E, 1I) Don (4, 1R) Jono (3, 2R) Matt (3, 2I) Donald (2, 1R, 1E, 1I) Jo (2S, 2R 1E) Hope (3, 2E) Carole (2S, 2R, 1E) Deane (3, 1S 1E)
Who to put where? Stuff needs to be done: Executing 1. Achievers PROS: work hard, capacity. Considerations: can walk over people, don’t like meetings How to help: in a team they need a relator, praise achievement, involve only when needed. 2. Responsibility PROS: They will do as they say, ownership of project and team Considerations: poor delegators, make all decisions How to help: don’t give management roles, watch workloads
People need to be looked after: Relationship Building Relator PROS: Works well in close relationships, great at involving people Considerations: detest formal structures that minimise human interaction How to help: allow time for team to bond, team with executors for healthy productive teams 2. Developer PROS: want others to do well, give permission to try and try again. Mentors! Considerations: over extend their circle, can spend too much time on hopeless cases How to help: give them training roles, define their people responsibilties
People need to be motivated: Influencers Woo PROS: Natural connection with others, networkers, inspire by conversation Considerations: short term relationships, influence can be both +ve and –ve How to help: allow them to be a front person, develop a system to catch people after they meet them 2. Activator PROS: Turn thoughts into action, courageous, inspire by action Considerations: patience is not virtue, can lead to widespread dissatisfaction How to help: short-term projects, listen to their concerns and reassure, appoint to teams who are stuck.
Plans need to be made: Strategic Learner PROS: ability to understand the ‘new’. Research focussed. Considerations: stagnation without opportunity to learn. How to help: opportunities to teach, head up new projects 2. Strategic PROS: Create alternatives for progress. Innovative ,futuristic Considerations: sometimes struggle to communicate the process. One-eyed How to help: report writing, exposure to other thinkers (INPUT)