Old Mill Project: Physical Education by: Josh Anguiano ED358: Foundations of Education March 15, 2016
West Kentuck
Objective Objective of this project is to inform you about how Physical Education has changed over the near 100 years. Providing pictures of previous Physical Education experiences and what changes has been made today.
Picture was taken in 1944 Sports like basketball, football, baseball were practiced by students, due to them being established over a 100 years ago.
Equipment Used Top Right: Basketball backboard made out of plywood, now use glassboards. Top Left: wooden bats and cattle hide, now have aluminum bats and leather gloves Equipment use in PE and Sporting events has improved. Ranging from basketball goals to football gear that is worn. This is due to the safety and improvement of technology
Competition Athletic events were presented in the past, but not as big of an event like it is now. Now there are many school sports and tournaments (AAU Basketball, LLWS, Professional and Olympic Sports)
School Equipement As you can see, there is still some equipment that is used today, like teeter totters, swings, slides etc. Due to the improvement of technology, there is more advanced equipment for students to use within Physical Education.
How was it started? Mid 1800s: Germany, Sweden, & England influenced P.E in the U.S Introduced gymnastic equipment to influence gymnastics/sports Later led foundation for P.E and Sports Early to mid 1900’s, P.E grew and states passed a bill for states to require P.E
How it was started contin.. Events changed the influence from games to physical conditioning Pearl Harbor bombing leading to WWII U.S voted less fit than European countries Following the nation’s events, physical conditioning stuck with Physical Education Programs. Used to improve: -Strength, endurance, healthier bones/ muscles, weight control, and increased self esteem
Closing Remarks Looking back on information I gathered, games, sports, etc. were similar. Due to technology, P.E education has improved but still has room for more improvement. Reading articles: find P.E was taken more seriously than it is now, Health problems are still an issue and will always be an issue with Physical Education.
Acknowledgements •Thanks given to the Old Mill Museum staff for their assistance and use of their archives: Especially: Lenora Lynam, Lorna Nelson, and Sheila Malm
Works Cited McPherson County Historical Archives. [ca. 1900’s] Archives at the Old Mill Museum, Lindsborg, KS Mitchell, M. (n.d.). Physical Education - OVERVIEW, PREPARATION OF TEACHERS. Retrieved March 14, 2016, http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2324/Physical-Education.html