Elements for APS Recruitment & Retention 2020 School Board Work Session: Compensation Study Monday, December 5, 2016 Human Resources
Opportunities and Choices for High Quality Staff Compensation Financial & Non-Financial Incentives Professional Development Data Administrators Teachers Support Staff
Recruitment and Retention Data Understand factors that support recruitment and drive turnover: University partnerships with similar focus Diversity Specialty areas: Special Education, English Language Learners, Reading Assessing induction programs Stay interviews Exit interviews
Compensation Financial Incentives Workplace Incentives: Non- Financial Salary schedule and modifications Additional pay for critical needs areas, certification, additional responsibilities Home and rental assistance Tuition subsidies and remission Strong principals Skilled and supportive colleagues Autonomy High-quality professional development
Professional Development Learning experiences are systematic, ongoing, job embedded, sustained and results oriented. “…professional development must be sustained(not stand-alone, 1-day, and short- term workshops), intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, classroom focused…Sadly, the professional development that many educators in our country experience doesn’t include these components, nor the other conditions and structures essential to professional learning that ultimately helps the students in our schools.” Learning Forward & Every Students Succeed Act (ESSA)
Opportunities and Choices for High Quality Staff Compensation Financial & Non-Financial Incentives Professional Development Data Administrators Teachers Support Staff
Building and Growing Talent “I wanted to share with you my happy moments of my graduation this past weekend, and also give you a BIG THANK YOU for making possible that I accomplished one of my personal goals. On behalf of my family and me, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! “ APS Assistant to Teacher Graduate 2016, Marlene Cordero
Building and Growing Talent School Board Priority: Staff Development Review compensation study, monitor and continue to support workforce initiative, and support new approaches for personalized, flexible planning for career and professional development. Review of School Board Policies related to Career Rotation, Compensation, Contracts & Work Schedules, Employment, Employment Orientation, and Professional Development. Funding to bring the lagging scales to market rate Funding to support recruitment and retention study Funding for position classification analysis
APS Building and growing Talent