Welcome to Social Studies! 2016-2017 Mr. O’Neill 6th Grade
Expectations Come to class prepared! On time! Be Respectful! Bring your pencil and notebook every class Homework should be completed BEFORE class Study for tests and quizzes On time! Please be at your seat when it is time for class to begin Be Respectful! Saying “Shut up” gets you a reflection ticket Give your best effort! That’s why you came to Piedmont
Expectations Organization Missing Class Bathroom Food & Drinks Lining up When the Phone Rings
Organization You are responsible for keeping track of assignments and upcoming dates (tests & projects) in your planner Each day you will write down the day’s homework and when the next assignment is due in your agenda. I will check your planners for a grade periodically Bring your agenda everyday.
Missing Class If you miss class, you are responsible for making up the work that you missed Look at the calendar to figure out what you missed I will provide you with materials/notes you may have missed. You can also find the information on my wiki page I have 120 students each day! You are responsible for yourself!
Bathroom Please try to use the bathroom during time between class! If you must use the bathroom during class, you are responsible for any material that you miss while outside of the classroom. YOU CAN NOT COPY MATERIAL FROM A NEIGHBOR. Please ask first, sign out, and take the hall pass The bathroom is down the hall on the right. If I look out and see you roaming the hallways, socializing with friends, or playing you will receive a lunch detention If you abuse your bathroom privileges, you will not be allowed to leave class
Food & Drinks Water is the only thing you are allowed to have during class time. It must be in a clear plastic bottle (CMS policy) If you really need a snack, just ask for permission Candy is not a snack! Make sure to clean up after yourself! Absolutely no soda, energy drinks, Kool-Aid, etc. at any time except for lunch That stuff is gross and bad for you!
Lining up When we line up we will do it quietly and in an orderly fashion. When we move in the halls there is no talking (for the first few weeks). Other classes are taking place so there is NO room for exception here.
When the phone rings I will let the class know the phone is ringing and it is my expectation that you will be silent while I am on the phone. This is very important.
Discipline Warning Reflection Ticket (5 = Lunch Detention) Lunch Detention (5 = Referral) In Mr. Miller’s room during lunch and healthy kids Referral are handled by Mr. Monismith Usually ISS or OSS
Reflection Tickets If there is a minor discipline issue, you will receive a reflection ticket. Examples: Talking during instruction Being late to class Forgetting your materials
Reflection Tickets You must: Write the date Write your first & last name Explain why you received the ticket and what you should have done instead If you refuse, you receive an automatic lunch detention They must be turned in
Reflection Tickets Unacceptable: Acceptable Why did I get this ticket? Talking What should I have done instead? Not talk Acceptable Why did I get this ticket? Disrupting class What should I have done instead? Not disrupted the learning of other students
Grades 65% Formal- Tests, projects (About 4 per quarter) 35% Informal- Quizzes, homework, class assignments (15-20 per quarter) Grading Scale A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-70 D: 69-60 F: Below 60
About Me I am 33 years old. I have a wife named Olivia and a daughter named Eliza. This is my second year at Piedmont teaching. I went to middle school at Piedmont AND had homeroom in this same room (Back in the day). I went to East Carolina University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I LOVE Social Studies but I am also certified in Language Arts.
Favorites Favorite Teams: Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets, Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Musician: OutKast Favorite TV Show: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Favorite thing to do: Outside with family. Family- Wife: Olivia Daughter: Eliza
Eliza Jane and Mrs. O’Neill
6th Grade Social Studies The study of ancient civilizations We will study the beginning of history to the 1400s (a really long time!) At one time humans were nomads who were constantly on the move because they would follow animals for food Humans discovered AGRICULTURE. This means they figured out how to grow food! This allowed humans to settle down in one place, which led to the development of the first towns and cities
Ancient Civilizations Mesopotamia was the first ancient civilization we will study It is located where Iraq is today, in between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers The land between the rivers was called “The Fertile Crescent” and was great for growing crops
Ancient Civilizations Next we will study Ancient Egypt Egypt is located along the Nile River, the longest river in the world The Nile River was great for growing crops Egypt is in the northwestern part of Africa
Ancient Civilizations After Egypt, we will move to India India is located in South Asia Some of the world’s first large cities, like Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro, started near the Indus River
Ancient Civilizations Our next civilization will be China China is located in Southeast Asia The civilization began along the banks of the Yellow River, which had very fertile soil The Chinese are famous for many inventions that we still use today (gunpowder, compass, astronomy)
Ancient Civilizations Next, we go to Greece Greece is located along the Mediterranean Sea in Europe This is where democracy started The Greeks made many important scientific discoveries
Ancient Civilizations The last civilization we will cover is Rome Located on the Italian Peninsula They became one of the most powerful dynasties the world has ever seen
Critical Thinking! Based off of the information you learned, what is the most important factor for civilizations to develop? What geographic feature were these civilizations close to? What kinds of challenges do you think the civilizations had as they grew larger? If you could go back in time with any invention from today, what would it be and why? What do you think people will say about us thousands of years from now?