Robust Paragraph—2/1/17 New stamp sheets today: Trump Exec Order Looking at your assignment, what is your conclusion about the possible long-term impacts of this Executive Order? Do you think it will make America more safe, less safe, or will it have no effect whatsoever? Explain. Why are some people scared of “fascism” in America right now? What is fascism, and do you think these fears are justified (or not)?
Robust Paragraph—2/2/17 On Tuesday, President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch for the vacancy left by Justice Scalia’s sudden death 12 months ago (Feb 13). The Republicans refused to hold a hearing to confirm President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland until now. SCOTUS has been running one member short (8 justices) until now. Do you think the Democrats are justified in threatening to do the same with Trump’s nominee, now that they are on the other side? Explain why or why not.
Robust Paragraph—2/10/17 Finish group presentations of Retro-Tweets What was the daily schedule of your assigned president like? Would you want to do this kind of job? (What kind of person does it take to be a successful president, in your opinion?) Do you think it reflects positively or negatively on our current president that he relies primarily on Twitter as a form of communication with the US and world? Explain your opinion.
Robust Paragraph—2/14/17 <3 What are the three levels of “chief” executives called in the US? How are they elected and removed, if needed? What about the levels of the judicial branch? (What do you know? Even if just one level…)
Robust Paragraph—2/16/17 Today we are looking at one landmark decision made by the Supreme Court, Texas v. Johnson. This will serve as an example of how one case makes its way through the judicial branch. Do you think there should be an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit certain actions towards respected symbols, such as burning the American flag or kneeling during the National Anthem? Why or why not?
Start Review of 3 Branches (Test this Friday) Stamps for Texas v. Johnson case: Background Summary What is Symbolic Speech? (chart & packet) 3-5 Arguments Chart & Writing Try to write down the steps of how a bill becomes a law. Check your notes afterwards. What powers does the President (Executive) have? What other executives are there? How is the judicial branch structured?
Robust Paragraph—3/7/17 What is a budget, who uses them, and why are they necessary? What usually happens when people overspend their budget? (Make a list.)
Robust Paragraph—3/8/17 Stamp for Budget Assignment. What was the most challenging part of yesterday’s assignment to balance the budget? How do you think your plan would work in real life?
You’re the President! Now pretend you are president! Rank the following programs from 1-8, 1 being most important and 8 being least: Cutting taxes Shrinking the government Fighting climate change Protecting the elderly National defense Strengthening social safety net Reducing entitlement spending Investing in the future (education, etc)
Robust Paragraph—3/31/17 Read the article about California farmers. Make a flow chart of the different types of supply and demand that might be affected by these new policies. What do you predict will happen to prices of things that we as consumers buy? Can you think of any alternatives to solving this issue?
Robust Paragraph (in Trade Packet)—4/4/17 What patterns do you see among where certain types of products are made? When and why do you think this became this way? Pick an item off your list and make a “how-to” flow chart for how that product was probably made. Start with the raw materials.