LLEP Local Growth Fund Theory of Change This Theory of Change for the Leicester and Leicestershire LGF Programme demonstrates the link between the context, rationale, themes and activities of the LGF, with the achievement of its desired goals (outputs, outcomes and impacts). The achievement of direct outputs, through project activity, should lead to the more indirect outcomes being realised. Theoretically, the achievement of outputs and outcomes should ultimately contribute towards the longer term and more indirect impacts. These wider impacts should ultimately link back to the LGF’s rationale and themes. Context SEP Themes Rationale LGF Themes Growth deals provide funds to Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) for projects that benefit the local area and economy. Each LEP was invited to submit a Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) by March 2014, outlining their local priorities to maximise growth; the SEP included a series of potential projects for funding through the Local Growth Fund (LGF). The first wave of Growth Deals were announced in July 2014 and the second in January 2015. The LLEP received funding for ten projects in Growth Deal 1 and six projects in Growth Deal 2. The Growth Deal will provide the resources to deliver the flagship programme of the LLEP’s Place theme – infrastructure to support the LLEP’s Growth Areas and Transformational Priorities. Investing in our Place to unlock key development sites and improve public realm and connectivity to enable the efficient transport of people and goods. Investing in our Business by providing a comprehensive business support service for our SMEs to accelerate growth of our priority sectors. Investing in our People to equip local people with the relevant skills that our businesses need. Enhancing transport connectivity, reducing congestion and enabling the development of major sites for housing and employment Investing in skills infrastructure and business support to deliver skills and support that meets employer needs Extending the availability of superfast broadband across the city and county Investing in flood risk management to reduce the risk to homes and businesses in Leicester. Activities Outputs Outcomes A511 Corridor Connecting Leicester Great Central Railway Leicester North West Transport Project Local Sustainable Transport Fund Midland Mainline North City Centre Access Programme Strategic Employment Site improvements Coalville Workspace DOCK 2 Leicester Waterside Regeneration Area Melton Cattle Market River Soar Corridor Improvements Superfast Leicestershire Skills and Innovation Village Skills Training Centre LGF Round 1 LGF Round 2 11.198 ha area of site reclaimed, (re) developed or assembled 39.504 km total length of new cycle ways 6.745 km total length of resurfaced roads 3.690 km footway improved 0.1 km length of newly built road 0.44 km of new footways constructed 2.2 5km length of shop front environment 1.25 km pedestrian crossing facilities 65 km of bus routes 966m2 office and workspace 33,980 ha area of site reclaimed, (re) developed or assembled 1,858 m2 office and workspace 2,889 m2 new building training/learning 1,224 m2 refurbished training/learning facilities 3,491 businesses with access to fibre broadband 1,890 businesses with access to superfast broadband 98.4% coverage of superfast broadband in Leicester City 97.3% coverage of superfast broadband in Leicestershire 9,825 housing units completed 90,503 m2 commercial floorspace constructed £80 m private sector leverage 2,022 jobs connected to the intervention 45 temporary jobs £3.11 m follow on investment at site 9,869 m2 commercial floorspace constructed £3 m private sector leverage 594 jobs connected to the intervention £37 m follow-on investment at site 299 apprenticeship starts 7,668 learner starts 92 enterprises supported 2,200 homes safeguarded £22 m in savings arising from reduced flood damage Inputs LGF funding (m) £67.9 £22.1 £3.1 High proportion of take up of fibre and superfast broadband by businesses with access to it Support 15,000 businesses to accelerate growth £7.5 0.68km length of new cycle way culvert Impacts Increased regeneration and development opportunities Increased tourism Increase in transport capacity (road, rail, bus, cycleways and footpaths) and travel times Jobs growth Reduced congestion Increase in GVA Apprenticeship and graduate opportunities Increased sustainable economic activity Improved learner success, retention and employment outcomes