What’s out there to help me? AWAS Focus on Finals, 2017 Nicola Taylor n.taylor@bham.ac.uk
1. AWAS online materials and Concise Guide
2. The Bank of Assessed Work Writing Materials
3. Academic Skills Centre & Library resources
4. What else is out there? External Resources
List of Links 1.i) AWAS online - Look for the AWAS Canvas page in your list of courses and browse the ‘Modules’ ii) The AWAS Concise Guide available to buy £1 from: http://shop.bham.ac.uk/ 2. The Bank of Assessed Work Writing Materials - Look for the Bank canvas page and click on ‘Essay Writing Materials’ 3. Academic Skills Centre & Library resources JustAsk! service - Google: ‘Birmingham Just Ask’ and you will get there in one click 4. i) Academic Phrasebank - Google: ‘Manchester Academic Phrasebank’ ii) University of Bristol, Improve your Writing - Google: ‘Bristol Improve your Writing’
And don’t forget AWAS for Drama Students AWAS for all CAL Students Dedicated workshops and tutorials on the Selly Oak campus AWAS for all CAL Students
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