Multi-Channel Direct Marketing The Growth of Search as a Response Channel
Things Have Changed • Key take-aways • Awareness of trends • Watch-outs in light of trends • Tips to improve ROI Why am I qualified to talk about this?
SendTec A new breed of ad agency…cross channel… tech 60% online channel marketing… Search 40% offline channel marketing… DRTV SearchFactz technology iFactz technology Fastest growing search agency in the US
The Big Shift How Consumers Respond
The Big Shift How Consumers Respond
The Big Shift How Consumers Respond
The Big Shift How Consumers Respond
The Big Shift How Consumers Respond to Offline DR
The Proof is in the Numbers A Case Study SEM CTA down 28% Second Largest Online Auction Site
Who Should Care DRTV advertisers DR Radio advertisers DR Outdoor advertisers DR Print advertisers Direct Mail advertisers
Consequences of Not Acting • Confuse consumers • Lose response • Unable to optimize media buys • Double paying for responses
Bed Bath & Beyond sells a wide range of products online…
…but has no visibility in SEO or SEM
Zappos prominent for both SEO/SEM …where is Payless?
Double Paying for Response?
Vonage Is Competing Just To Show Up on Google
No affiliates bidding on brand name! Advertiser Without Affiliate Issues JC Penney keeps affiliates from bidding on brand terms No affiliates bidding on brand name!
Bidding on Competitive Brand GM bidding on “Ford”
Offline, Search, Site All Consistent Lunesta does a good job of controlling the marketing message
Advertiser Not Consistent Build Direct search price different than on web site
Advertiser Not Bidding on Competitor’s Brand MSN and Yahoo don’t allow this No bids on brand
Advertiser Doing Search Well Ionic Breeze has SEO/SEM visibility…
Advertiser Doing Search Well …plus consistent offer on web site
Advertiser Doing SEO but not SEM Trek losing business to competition using SEM
Advertiser Using Search Creatively GM encourages consumers to “Google Pontiac”…
Advertiser Using Search Creatively …but was it a good idea? Risks No control over what consumer does after going to Google Mazda was there with strong comparison ad vs. Pontiac Regional campaign probably did not help dealers Smart SEO/SEM campaign would have generated better results Rewards Tremendous amount of publicity Increase in traffic to site Using “Google” adds credibility among target audience
What Should I do Now? • Manage your SEO position, message and landing page • Manage your SEM position, message and landing page • Use tools or methods to track response & optimize media buys factoring in the response to search • Explore video search • Determine how best to manage search
Managing the Search Channel The Opportunity Cost is High Build capability in house Talent Shortage Technology Ramp up time Cost Outsource to agency Immediate Capabilities Buy an SEM agency Slim pickings
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