Florian Sauter-Servaes Project Overview Florian Sauter-Servaes Team Leader The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the author & can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Project Background Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), 2008 Barcelona Process since 1995 Market Integration in particular of energy markets Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) MSP is one of the six major projects of the UfM RES (solar, wind) for power generation on a large scale Electricity interconnections Energy Efficiency
Project Objectives Promotion of conditions conducive to a greater use of RES (solar) for power generation in Mediterranean Partner countries Progress in the establishment of harmonized legislative and regulatory frameworks for RES power Improvements in transfer of knowledge and capacity building Appropriate institutional setting for RE and EE Support to investment
Key Figures of PWMSP Project Duration: 3 years Location: Project office in Cairo (Team Leader) Satellite office in Morocco (Deputy Team Leader) Project activities implemented in 9 Mediterranean Partner Countries Country Coordinator (part time) in each partner country Financial expert (half time) 1,200 working days of specialised international experts
Presentation of Consortium MVV decon, German Consulting Firm (Consortium Leader) ENEA, Italian Energy Agency RTE-I, Consulting arm of French transmission system operator Sonelgaz, Algerian electricity and gas company TERNA, Italian transmission system operator
Task 1: Legislative and Regulatory Framework Activity 1.1: Benchmarking of MP practice against EU Norms Best practice can be achieved in different ways Include Regulation affecting EE and RES Management and Regulation of Networks Pricing of Network Services Grid Connections Congestion Management Use of Interconnectors
Task 1: Legislative and Regulatory Framework Activities 1.2, 1.3 and 1.5: Road Maps for Regulatory Convergence Recommendations for Change based on results of benchmarking (country specific, including targets) Importance of adequate provisions to attract private capital Proposal for Schedules of Change (stepwise till 2020) Sub-regional workshops on Draft Road Maps Further consultations with stakeholders at national level Discussion of revised road maps in regional seminar
Task 1: Legislative and Regulatory Framework Activity 1.4: Definition of Infrastructure Needs Collection of Data on existing network to assess bottlenecks Assessment of the needs for grid development Recommendations on charging and usage protocol of interconnections
Task 2.1: Transfer of Knowledge 2.1.1: Inventory of opportunities for cooperation through centres of expertise (EE and RE) in the region 2.1.2: Establish contacts between 9 centres in MPs with 4 centres in the European Union and develop a plan for cooperation (road map) based on common interest 3 sub-regional seminars in MPs plus international seminar in EU Follow up support and update
Task 2.2: Capacity Building 2.2.1: Clean Technology Platform Data Base of good practice in clean technology 2.2.2: Strategic Research Agenda Relevant experience made in EU member states 2.2.3: Training Programmes Develop user friendly training platform based on existing e-learning courses Present learning programmes in national events Multiplier effect through replicability
Task 3: Support to Sustainable Energy Policies Task 3.1: Institutional Setting for RE 3.1.1: Benchmarking Database on policy measures in 9 MPs Establishment of network for continuous updating 3.1.2: Road maps to best practice National time schedules for policy development 3.1.3: Country missions and 3 sub-regional meetings 3.1.4: Revision of policy road maps Regional seminar on policies for sustainable energy
Task 3.2: Policies for RE deployment 3.2.1: CDM projects Compilation of CDM projects and institutional arrangements in 9 MPs Regional seminar 3.2.2: Establish a scheme for certifying the origin of RE electricity and for maintaining a register (to be discussed at a regional seminar) 3.2.3: Instruments for grid connected renewables Review of policy instruments Recommendation on how to achieve best practice
Task 4: Investment Support Support to the roadmap for implementation of an MSP and Master Plan. Activities enhancing a more favourable private energy business environment. Analysing cost-sharing formula for investment in RE and EE. Promoting the development of contractual, regulatory and legislative issues favourable to investments in RE/EE. This activity will involve close collaboration with IFIs/other Financing Institutions and project promoters.
Horizontal Tasks: Mediterranean Electrical System – Development Needs Evaluation of the adequacy of infrastructure investments given the prospective renewable energy generation on the basis of: Existing studies and pipeline projects; Experience of the consultants. Assessment of : state of the play of the electrical infrastructures; Reinforcement needs of Mediterranean and European electrical Backbone; Refurbishment of existing infrastructures; Access to network and possible technical congestion.
Horizontal Tasks – Proposed activities Task A – Mediterranean grid and Electrical European Backbone Evaluation Sub Task A.1: Assess electrical infrastructure state of play. Sub Task A. 2: Assess network access and possible technical congestion. Sub Task A.3: Define refurbishment need of existing infrastructures given time span of system and components Task B – Data and Information Collection for the Implementation of MSP Master Plan Sub Task B.1: Define generation adequacy with and without exchanges with neighbouring countries. Sub Task B.2: Conceptual Design of reference rural application project Sub Task B.3: Assess state of play of storage technologies and define guidelines for application to South Mediterranean Countries.
Project Schedule Sept. – Dec. 2010: Inception Phase Feb. 2011 – May 2012: Legislative and Regulatory Framework March 2011 – August 2012: Transfer of knowledge March 2011 – August 2012: Capacity building June 2011 - Feb. 2013: Policy development and advice June 2011 – June 2013: Investment framework March 2011 – May 2012: Horizontal Task A July 2011 – May 2012: Horizontal Task B