Statistics 200 Lecture #10 Thursday, September 22, 2016 Textbook: Section 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 Objectives: • Use margin of error formula to find sample size needed for particular MOE • Understand and identify various types (prospective, retrospective, case- control) of observational studies • Understand and identify various techniques (blinding, placebo, pairing/blocking) used in randomized experiments • Understand ethical reasons for preferring observational studies over randomized experiments in some cases • Identify explanatory, response, and confounding variables in context.
Skills from this lecture Identify! Explanatory Response Confounding variable types Identify presence and type of blinding, placebos. Matched pair and block designs Randomized Experiment Retrospective vs. Prospective Identify cases and controls in case-control studies Observational Study
Last lecture we discussed… Surveys Difference between population and sample Difference between survey and census Three types of bias Confidence Intervals Calculate p-hat, margin of error Construct a conservative 95% confidence interval for a population proportion Find sample size for desired margin of error
What proportion of dog owners have more than one dog? The confidence interval is 14% plus or minus 5%. We are 95% confident that the true population proportion of dog owners with more than one dog is between ____ and _____. .09 .19 Clicker Question 1: Is it reasonable to conclude that fewer than 15% of dog owners have more than one dog? Yes No
What proportion of dog owners have more than one dog? The confidence interval is 14% plus or minus 5%. We are 95% confident that the true population proportion of dog owners with more than one dog is between ____ and _____. .09 .19 Clicker Question 2: Is it reasonable to conclude that fewer than 20% of dog owners have more than one dog? Yes No
Using desired margin of error to choose n We can design our survey to have a margin of error of our choosing by specifying the sample size, n. Example: if desired ME is 0.02, = 0.02 Solve for n
Today’s Objectives: Revisit in detail… difference between observational study and randomized experiment Identification of explanatory and response variables Introduce… treatments and experimental units Ideas behind experimental design Ideas behind design of good observational studies. Describe the following types of experimental designs: Completely Randomized, Matched-pair and Randomized Block
You may remember… We talked about how you cannot make a cause-and-effect conclusion based on an _________________, but you can make one on the basis of a __________________ We’re going to delve further into these types of studies. observational study randomized experiment
Does exercise increase exam scores? Motivating example: Does exercise increase exam scores? Two ways to conduct a study to answer this question Observational Experimental Randomly select folks to participate Record responses about exercise frequency and exam scores during fall semester Randomly select folks to participate Randomly assign exercise levels for this semester and then record exam scores
Observational Studies In an observational study, the researchers simply _______ or ________ the participants about opinions, behaviors, and outcomes. Researchers do not ____________ any treatments or conditions Participants of observational studies aren’t necessarily people, they can be any type of observational unit. question observe assign
Consider our example: Does exercise increase exam scores? Randomly select folks to participate Record responses about exercise frequency and exam scores during fall semester. Random selection of participants – good. No assignment of anything to these participants—hence observational.
Strengths and weaknesses of observational studies Usually, observational studies are…. cheaper faster Weaknesses No cause and effect because there may be variables behind associations. confounding
Confounding variable A variable that is related to the explanatory variable and also affects the response variable is called a confounding variable. aka a ______ variable 1lurking The effect of a confounding variable on the response cannot be separated from the effect of the explanatory variable.
Confounding variable example: After collecting a large amount of data, a researcher found a very interesting relationship between ice cream sales and the number of drownings in towns on the East Coast. When ice cream sales increase, so do the number of people drowning. Confounding variable: Temperature
Types of observational studies Retrospective Uses data from the _________. past Example: motivating study on exercise and exam scores Prospective Follow participants into the _________. future Example: The Up 7 documentary series.
Case-control studies Cases, who have a particular attribute or condition, are compared to Controls who do not. Often used in medical settings. Good case-control observational studies try to identify controls who are as similar as possible to the cases except that they don’t have the disease Example: Compare genetic makeup of family members that have Parkinson’s disease to that of family members who do not have Parkinson’s disease. Cases
Case-control studies Cases, who have a particular attribute or condition, are compared to Controls who do not. Often used in medical settings. Good case-control observational studies try to identify controls who are as similar as possible to the cases except that they don’t have the disease Example: Compare genetic makeup of family members that have Parkinson’s disease to that of family members who do not have Parkinson’s disease. Cases Controls
Cause-and-effect conclusions are usually desirable We cannot claim cause-and-effect from an observational study. For this we need a… randomized experiment!
Randomized Experiments If we really want to show a causal relationship, we need to use a randomized experiment. In a randomized experiment, participants are randomly assigned to participate in one condition or another. These different conditions are called __________. treatments
Consider our example: Does exercise increase exam scores? Recruit study participants Randomly assign exercise levels for this semester and then record exam scores Need to get volunteers and informed consent Random assignment of treatment (exercise level). The randomness is key.
Strengths and weaknesses of randomized experiments Can make cause-and-effect conclusions Weaknesses Usually take more time Usually require more $$$. Sometimes, treatments cannot be randomly assigned for ethical reasons.
Ethical reasons informed consent The big reason that randomized experiments aren’t always used is because they can put people’s welfare at risk. Sometimes, when there is some risk involved in the treatment, subjects will be required to sign __________________ forms, in which they are introduced to some of the risks associated with the experiment. informed consent
Randomization: the crucial element We do experiments to reduce the chance that our results will be affected by confounding variables and bias. Randomization is key. Randomizing type of treatment Randomizing order of treatment If each experimental unit receives all treatments, we can randomize the order Which treatment each experimental unit receives.
Control groups placebo When we aim to show that a certain treatment has an effect, we must know what would happen without it. Typically, a control group is used. This group is treated exactly the same as the other group(s), except it is not given any active treatment. Often, control groups are given a _______, which seems like a treatment, but is actually inert. placebo
Control groups and blinding _____________ experiments are experiments in which the participants don’t know whether they are receiving the placebo or the treatment. _____________ experiments are experiments in which neither the participants or the researchers know whether a participant is receiving the placebo or the treatment. Single-blind Double-blind
Repeated-measures design Pairing and blocking • Sometimes, giving a subject both the active treatment and the control can help to better determine the treatment effects. Repeated-measures design • Sometimes, we match people together based on a certain characteristic, like BMI or IQ and give one of them a control and one of them the active treatment. Pairing is a special case of blocking. Matched-pair design
Pairing and blocking Young All Participants Middle-aged Elderly Block design: Divide participants into similar groups, then randomly assign treatment / control within each group Random treatment assignment Young All Participants Random treatment assignment Middle-aged Elderly Random treatment assignment
Pairing and blocking - conclusion When we talk about experiments: If the experiment has randomly assigned treatments without pairing or blocking, that experiment would be said to have a ________________________________. If the experiment uses pairing, it is said to have a _______________________. If the experiment uses blocking, it is said to have a __________________________. completely randomized design matched-pairs design randomized block design
Example 1 Explanatory: Caffeine (yes/no) Response: Swimming time A researcher wants to know whether caffeine will increase swimming speed. She randomly assigns 25 volunteers to take a caffeine pill, and the remaining 25 to take a placebo, then compare the swimming times of the two groups. Explanatory: Caffeine (yes/no) Response: Swimming time
Example 2 Explanatory: Caffeine (yes/no) Response: Swimming time Each of 50 participants randomly takes one treatment, measures their swimming speed, then returns the next week to take the other treatment and measure swimming speed. The measurements for each participant are compared. Explanatory: Caffeine (yes/no) Response: Swimming time What type of design is this? Repeated measures Blocked Paired Completely randomized
Review: If you understood today’s lecture, you should be able to solve 6.1, 6.3, 6.7, 6.11, 6.13, 6.17, 6.19a-d, 6.27, 6.29, 6.31, 6.35, 6.45, 6.89 Objectives: • Use margin of error formula to find sample size needed for particular MOE • Understand and identify various types (prospective, retrospective, case- control) of observational studies • Understand and identify various techniques (blinding, placebo, pairing/blocking) used in randomized experiments • Understand ethical reasons for preferring observational studies over randomized experiments in some cases • Identify explanatory, response, and confounding variables in context.