Design 10º Unit III Robots Criteria C. Creating the Robot 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Design 10º Unit III Robots Criteria C. Creating the Robot 1. Construct a logical plan that describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution ACTIVITY: Desarrollar el método para la construcción del robot. Se debe considerar para cada paso los materiales, herramientas y tiempo.

Step Process (including quality control, health and safety considerations) Required resources Materials Time to complete 1. 2. 3.

Demonstrate excellent technical skill when making the solution 2. Demonstrate excellent technical skill when making the solution ACTIVITY: Las habilidades técnicas serán evaluadas por los profesores de Física y Diseño de manera individual durante el proceso de construcción. 3. Follow the plan to create the solution, which function as intended. ACTIVITY: Se debe asegurar el seguimiento del método para la construcción del producto If a student does not follow the plan, it will usually result in the solution not fully meeting the specification and/or matching the design detailed in the drawings/diagrams.

4. Fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution ACTIVITY: Evidenca y justificar los cambios o mejoras hechas durante el proceso de construcción del robot. Ver el siguiente ejemplo. Modification to my Design. (Example) Now that I have made a plan to follow and thought about all the materials, tools I am going to use and how much time the project is going to take, some features of my design changed. To start with, I changed the thickness of the circle of the sun which is where I am going to locate the clock mechanism. This is because the part of the clock mechanism that has to be drilled through the material is 6cm long. So, it is going to take a long time to drill a whole about 14cm deep on an 18cm thick material. I thought it would take less time drilling a whole about 2 cm deep on an 8cm thick material Now that I thought about how long it is going to take to create stickers, I decided make more Number Stickers. Before I made the plan, I thought it would take the longest time to create the stickers on the vinyl cutter; however, I realized it actually doesn’t. I was going to only make four stickers: 12, 3, 6 and 9. But, since it doesn’t take so much time creating them, I decided to make all twelve stickers. I also realized that while I am waiting for the stickers to be cut out by the vinyl cutter, I could be using the time and start working on the next step which is putting the clock mechanism on to the clock design. The last change I have made is to use spray paint for one or two parts. If I use paint, I have to paint several coats and dry them. Same goes for spray paint; however, if you compare the time on how long it takes to paint and spray a material once, to spray paint takes less time.

Present the solution as a whole 5. Present the solution as a whole