Today we will... Consolidate our understanding of: Simple / Complex Skills Open / Closed Skills Investigate how we can best identify factors that impact on our performance Physical – Skill Emotional Reflect on the best method of practice to use to develop our performance
Physical Social Mental Emotional Fitness Skill Tactics / Composition Skill Classification Simple/Complex Open /Closed Serial/Discreet Happiness /sadness Confidence Belief in self Belief in own ability Resilience Optimism Pessimism Technical Qualities Timing Rhythm, Consistency Anger Decision making Self-control Aggression Hostility Stages of Learning Cognitive Associative Automatic Fear Confidence, Realising potential Panic Confusion Stress Anxiety Nervousness Quality of performance Fluency Effort Accuracy Control
Check understanding… What is a skill... A skill is a series of movements performed for a purpose. The name of a skill describes the purpose of the linked sequences of movements. What is a technique? A technique explains the way that a skill is performed.
Skill Classification… CLOSE OPEN SKILL Open Skills: change dependant on the actions of an opponent or another variable. Closed Skills: are performed the same way every time.
Skill Classification… COMPLEX SIMPLE SKILL Simple Skills Complex Skills Few movements involved A number of movements involved Not very physically undemanding Physically demanding Little coordination needed Coordination is vital Simple order of movements Complicated order of movements Only one or two movements at a time Many movements at the same time Few judgements to be made Many judgements to be made Easy environment (e.g. no opposition, you control all movements, safety equipment) Difficult environment (e.g. full opposition, movements are influenced by others no safety equipment)
Skill Classification… Complex Simple SKILL OPEN CLOSED
Skill Classification… Simple Skills Complex Skills Few movements involved A number of movements involved Not very physically undemanding Physically demanding Little coordination needed Coordination is vital Simple order of movements Complicated order of movements Only one or two movements at a time Many movements at the same time Few judgements to be made Many judgements to be made Easy environment (e.g. no opposition, you control all movements, safety equipment) Difficult environment (e.g. full opposition, movements are influenced by others no safety equipment)
How can we investigate a physical factor… Which physical factor are we going to investigate? Skill Create a graffiti poster of steps you could take to investigate your performance of gymnastics skills How to investigate a skill factor?
Homework Due – Monday 11th November Q1. Explain each of the following terms Skill Technique Simple/Complex Skills Open/Closed Skills Q2. Explain how you plan to gather information on Physical –Skill factor Q3. Read pages 81-84 of the text book. Decide which method of practice would be the most appropriate method for developing your performance of a new gymnastics skill.