The Sensorimotor Stage: Relevance to Infants
Four Stages of Learning Jean Piaget’s Theories 1896 - 1980 Four Stages of Learning Sensorimotor Birth to about 2 yrs Preoperational 2-7 yrs Concrete Operations 7-11 Formal Operations 11 into adulthood 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage Birth to 1 month 1 to 4 months 4 to 8 months In this stage children learn about the world through their senses and body movements This stage is broken up into 6 different steps Birth to 1 month 1 to 4 months 4 to 8 months 8 to 12 months 12 to18 months 18 to 24 months 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Stage One: Birth to 1 month Sensorimotor Stage Stage One: Birth to 1 month Practices natural reflexes Infants are only aware of themselves and their needs They do not understand themselves as separate persons 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage Stage Two: 1 to 4 months Learn to combine two reflexes For example they wave their fists and then brings their fists to their mouths 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage Stage Three: 4 to 8 months They respond to other stimuli Improved hand-eye coordination For example, if a baby bumps a rattle and it makes a noise, he/she may try to bump it again. 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage Stage Four: - 8 to 12 months Intentional behavior They learn certain actions lead to certain results Imitate others 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage They learn to follow objects with their eyes They love playing Peek-A-Boo Ten months- learn Object Permanence That objects continue to exist even when out of sight—can find partially hidden objects 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage Stage Five: 12 to 18 months Trial and error: Push a cracker off a high chair and watch it fall to the floor. Then, do it again . . . Can find hidden objects Understands that objects exist independently 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage Stage Six: 18 to 24 months Begin to experiment mentally as well as physically They think about what they are going to do before they do it 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Parts of the brain and their functions Brain stem---controls involuntary activities such as breathing Cerebrum---directs motor activities Cerebellum---controls muscular coordination, balance, and posture Pituitary gland---releases hormones that control metabolism and sexual development Spinal cord---controls simple reflexes that do not involve the brain Thalamus---controls the way emotions are expressed 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
How the brain works Neurons---nerve cells in the brain that control body functions Dendrites---parts of neurons that receive information from other neurons Cell body---the main part of each neuron that processes information Axons---transmits information from one neuron to another Myelin---coats the axon and make information transformation easier Neurotransmitters---chemicals released by the axons Synapses---tiny gaps between neurons that information must pass through to send signals 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Stimulating brain development Keep experiences simple and natural Match experiences to the child’s cognitive abilities Establish routines and repeat experiences to reinforce learning Actively involve the infant Provide a variety of experiences, but avoid overload Avoid pushing infants to learn faster Stimulate senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch to enhance learning 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Ways infants communicate verbally Crying Reasons for crying To communicate discomfort, hunger, anger, or pain To bring a response Cooing Begin cooing at 6-8 weeks Coo more when talked to, smiled at, and touched Babbling Begin babbling at 4-5 months Vowel and consonant sounds slowly added to form symbols First words Occur at 10-12 months Same sound used more than once to refer to person, place, or event 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Ways infants communicate nonverbally Reaching for or pointing Clinging Pushing away 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage
Stimulating language development Give positive feedback as infants attempt to communicate Speak clearly using simple words Avoid using baby talk Talk about activities and things around them 4.03-Sensorimotor Stage