Data Quality in PlaNeT-2 For Game 1 you will also need blank copies of pre-randomisation Form A – Form 4 found in the CRF Ideally games are organised in small groups
CRFs process Manual review CRF receipt Data entry
Database (I)
Database (II)
Data queries Closed out on the database Self-evident correction Issued to site
Let’s play with data quality! Groups of 4 people 1 buzzer per group
Game 1: Pre-randomisation Complete the pre-randomisation forms with the data provided: admission summary, centile chart and clinical notes. The first group to complete the forms correctly will get two points
Game 1: Solutions – FA An usually missing form
Game 1: Solutions – F1a
Game 1: Solutions – F1b
Game 1: Solutions – F2
Game 1: Solutions – F3a
Game 1: Solutions – F3b
Game 1: Solutions – F4
Game 2: Please, correct me if I am wrong Discuss within the team the form/s and find the mistake (or mistakes!). When you are ready, press the buzzer! The first group to find the mistake/s will get one point.
Find the three sets of mistakes Game 2: F5 Find the three sets of mistakes Solutions
Which two corrections are right? Game 2: F6 Which two corrections are right? Long green circle: Remember to complete! Solutions
Can you find the two missing fields? Game 2: F7 and F9 Can you find the two missing fields? Green circle: any NEW Solutions
Can you find the two missing fields? Game 2: F7 and F9 Can you find the two missing fields? An usually missing form Solutions
Game 2: F11 and F12 7 missing fields; 1 wrong correction; 1 mismatch. Solutions
Game 2: F11 and F12 7 missing fields; 1 wrong correction; 1 mismatch. Solutions
A few reminders… F7
A few reminders… F8
A few reminders… F10
Any questions?
Thank you!