Northwood Parent Meeting
Player Priorities Family Faith Academics Northwood Basketball Everything else
Player Expectations ALWAYS show respect. This includes your coaches, parents, teachers, teammates, and anyone else in the community. You will never back talk a coach and any type of disrespect will not be tolerated. Players are expected to be at all practices and games. While injured players may be unable to play, they are still expected to arrive on time, listen to coaches, encourage teammates, and assist them. In very rare situations, players may be excused from games and/or practices. When this occurs, players are responsible for informing the coach verbally through a phone call or meeting at the earliest possible time. Be on time for everything. On time means five or ten minutes early. Be dressed and ready to go at the scheduled time. This is a good habit for the rest of your life. If you fail to be on time, you will be rewarded!. Chronic tardiness may result in suspension of the player.
Player Expectations When players miss practices and/or games, playing time in future games may be affected. Everyone is expected to carry himself in a sportsman like manner at all times. Players will dress according to team regulations at all practices, games, and other team functions. All players will ride to games on the team bus. Players can ride home with parents providing a parent signs them out after the game. Players must maintain a satisfactory level of academic progress. Drug and alcohol use will not be tolerated. We will follow all Northwood High School and Chatham County Public School rules and regulations.
Expectations These are not all of the rules, but some guidelines to follow. If another situation occurs the staff will make a decision on how to handle it. We hope we don’t have to deal with any situations, but when situations arise there will be decisions to make. Basketball is not a right that you have, but it is a privilege. We must stay positive and stay together this season. There will be many highs and lows, but we will need to believe in each other.
Academics and Attendance Pass 3 out of 4 classes Must not miss 10 days or may receive and FDA
Parent Expectations Be supportive of team objectives. All comments from parents and their guests from the sidelines will be encouraging and/or complimentary. Parents and guests will refrain from making comments about players’ mistakes or errors. Parents will refrain from making derogatory comments to referees at all times. The gym floor is restricted to players and coaches only during practice and games. Limit contact with players until after practice and games. Pick players up on time after games and practices. Coaches will not discuss playing time with parents. Questions about playing time will only be discussed with the players.
Fundraising Goals New Travel suits $2,000.00 New book bags $1,500.00 New Uniforms in 2 years (3,500.00)
What we have received through fundraising New shooting machine (6,500.00) (2013) New travel suits and travel bags for Varsity $2,000.00 (2014) Fast Draw APP $99.00 Practice Uniforms $800.00
How will we reach our goals Shoot-A-Thon (Goal of Each Player is $100.00) If each player received $100.00 of sponsors it would give us $2,400.00 Concessions profited over $5,000.00 last year.
Important Dates Christmas Tournament Varsity at Lee Senior Starting Dec.26-28 JV Bank of Carolinas in Asheboro has not been announced yet Alumni Night against JF Webb December 20 Senior Night February 7 Northern Vance and Play 4 Kay Game
Social Media Facebook Page: Northwood Girls Basketball Twitter: @ladychargersbb Twitter: @chargerathletes
Remind 101 Enter this number (704) 271-9847 Type this message @northwoodb