Comparisons between Magnetic field Perturbations and model dipole moments at Europa Derek Podowitz EAS 4480 4/28/2011
Background Europa has an induced dipole magnetic field Orientation of magnetic field measurements x: In direction of rotation and plasma flow y: In direction of Jupiter z: Opposite direction of the magnetic field C. Paty 2006
Procedure and Data Galileo magnetometer measurements from Planetary Data System: Europa pass E12,Time increment: 1/3 seconds Periodogram: sampling frequency = 3 Hz Butterworth filter: Low Pass Cut-off Frequency: 0.015 Nyquist Frequency: 3/0.5 = 1.5
Procedure and Data Background Magnetic fields Linear regression Magnetic field Perturbations Residual Analysis Calculated Dipole vs. Perturbation Distribution: Chi-squared analysis, student’s t-test Equation: Dipole moment = 2*m
Background Magnetic Fields
Magnetic field Perturbations Residual calculation Bperturbation = Bt – Bt-fit
Observed vs. Modeled magnetic field Chi-squared analysis was done to fit the dipole to the observed filtered perturbation data moment = 9.6900e+018, n = 8176 points, dof = 997 theoretical chi-squared value = 1071.6
Conclusion Low pass filter is a better choice to filter the data Testing for permanent Dipole moment Chi-squared test showed that Europa’s magnetic field signature is not a normal distribution: B_chi2 = 16153 The student’s t test: The means are not equivalent mean_difference = 37.1531 Bt_mean = 36.8775 95% confidence interval = 34.2281 - 40.0780 Dipole_mean 74.0306 Other factors at play to produce signatures Possible corrections: Using more strict parameters when analyzing background magnetic field to obtain better approximation of perturbations
References Kivelson M.G., et al. Galileo Magnetometer Measurements: Stronger Case for a Subsurface Ocean at Europa, Science 289, 1340 (2000). Paty, C. 'Ganymede’s Magnetosphere: Unraveling the Ganymede-Jupiter Interaction through Combining Multi-fluid Simulations and Observations.' PhD thesis. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. (2006). PDS: The Planetary Data System. JPL/NASA. 2/2011. Hand, Kevin P. and Christopher F. Chyba. Empirical constraints on the salinity of the europan ocean and implications for a thin ice shell. Icarus Volume 189, Issue 2, August 2007, Pages 424-438
References Project4480