Structural Dynamics & Vibration Control Lab. 토목환경공학개론: Overview of vibration control 건설·환경공학과 구조동역학 및 진동제어 연구실 Structural Dynamics & Vibration Control Lab.
목차 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Recent international developments 1.3 Scope 1.4 Definitions 2. Passive energy dissipation 2.1 Metal yield dampers 2.2 Friction dampers 2.3 Viscoelastic dampers 2.4 Viscous fluid dampers 2.4 Tuned mass dampers 2.5 Tuned liquid dampers 2.6 Other energy dissipators 2.7 Code development and concluding remarks
1. Introduction 1.1 Background Motive Evolution of structural control in the u.s Evolution of structural control in the world Distinctive features of structural control
Motive Increased flexibility The trend toward taller, longer and more flexible structures Increased safety levels Higher safety level demands : tall structures, nuclear power plants Increased stringent performance requirements Strict performance guide lines : radar tracking stations, radio telescope structures, aerospace structures Better utilization of materials and lower cost Economic considerations : savings in materials, weight and costs
Evolution of structural control in the U.S Roots primarily in the aerospace-related problems Tracking, pointing, flexible space structure The protection of buildings and bridges For extreme loads of earthquakes and wind Conceptual study by Yao in 1972 Open loop control, closed loop contol, feedback structural control The first world conference on structural control in 1994
International association for structural control in 1994 Evolution of structural control in the U.S International association for structural control in 1994 ASCE became a member of Amerian Automatic Control Council(AACC) in 1995. Passive base isolation system become an accepted design strategy.
Open & closed loop control Yao’s concept of structural control Feed back control Open & closed loop control
Evolution of structural control in the world More than 100 years ago. Wood house placed on ball bearings (Jone Milne, P.F. of engineering in Japan) 1950’s Linear system theory application to the structural dynamics Developed from internal combustion engine 1960’s Base isolation for low-rise and medium-rise structures and bridges Characteristics of base isolation Filters high frequencies of the ground acceleration Lengthens the natural period of vibration to about 2s Induces large amplitude motion
1972 ~ Active structural control (concepts form Yao 1972) Evolution of structural control in the world 1972 ~ Active structural control (concepts form Yao 1972) Hybrid structural control Semiactive structural control
Distinctive features of structural control Civil engineering structures are statically stable The addition of purely active control force can cause destabilization In contrast to aerospace structures which requires active control for stability Loads are highly uncertain Earthquake and wind loads have no definite magnitude and arrival time. Mechanical loads are fairly well documented. Erformance requirements are generally coarse
1.2 Recent International Developments 1990 - The U.S. National Workshop on Structural Control 1992 - The Japan National Workshop on Structural Control 1992 - The U.S.- Italy Workshop on Structural Control 1992 - The Tenth World Conference Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Madrid, Spain 1993 - International Workshop on Structural Control in Hawaii 1994 - The Formation of IASC International Association for Structural Control 1995 - First European Conference on Structural Control 1996 - The Second IASC in Hong Kong 1998 - The Third IASC in Tokyo
1.3 Scope The current state of the art in the control and monitoring Of civil engineering structures A link between structural control and other fields of control theory Future research needs and application efforts.
1.4 Defintions Active control Passive control 1.4 Definitions 1.4 Defintions Active control External source powers control actuators Actuators apply forces to the structure in a prescribed manner. These forces can be used to both add and dissipate energy. Type : open-loop control, closed-loop control Passive control Does not require an external power source. Impart forces that are developed in response to the motion of the structure. The energy in the passively controlled system can not be increased.
1.4 Definitions - active control ex 1) Location : Kao Hsiung, Taiwan Size : 150m x 60m at Base, 85-story Fuction of building : Multi-purpose Control system : Multi-staged tuned active damper
1.4 Definitions - passive contol ex 1)
1.4 Definitions - passive contol ex 2)
1.4 Definitions - passive contol ex 3)
1.4 Definitions - passive contol ex 4)
1.4 Definitions - passive contol ex 5)
Hybrid control Semiactive control 1.4 Definitions Hybrid control The combined use of active and control systems Ex 1) viscoelastic damping + active mass damper Ex 2) base isolation + actuator Semiactive control External energy requirements are smaller than active control system. Do not add mechanical energy to the structural system. Often viewed as controllable passive devices.
1.4 Definitions - hybrid control ex 1)
1.4 Definitions - hybrid control ex 1)
1.4 Definitions - semi active control ex 1)
Structural health monitoring 1.4 Definitions Structural health monitoring Detect changes that may include damage or degradation. In-situ, nondestructive sensing and analysis of structural characteristics including structural response.
2. Passive energy dissipation All vibrating structures dissipate energy Due to internal stressing, rubbing, cracking, plastic deformation, and so on Methods of increasing the energy dissipation capacity are very effective in reducing the amplitudes of vibration. This may achieved by conversion of kinetic energy to heat, or by transferring of energy among vibrating modes.
Conversion of kinetic energy to heat Devices that operate on principles such as frictional sliding, yielding of metal, phase transformation in metal. Transferring of energy among vibrating modes Supplemental oscillators, which act as dynamic vibration absorbers
2.1 Metallic yield dampers Inelastic deformation of metals. Very effective for the dissipation of energy input structure from an earthquake The idea of utilizing added metallic energy dissipators (kelly, 1972; Skinner, 1975) Many devices use mild steel plates with triangular or hourglass shapes so that yielding is spread almost uniformly throughout the material.
ADAS : A typical X-shaped plate damper or added damping and stiffness Metallic yield dampers ADAS : A typical X-shaped plate damper or added damping and stiffness
Metallic yield dampers The area within the hysteresis loops measures the amount of dissipated energy.
Some particularly desirable features of these devices Metallic yield dampers Other materials, such as lead and shaped-memory alloys, have been evaluated. (Sakurai, 1992; Aiken and kelly, 1992) Some particularly desirable features of these devices Stable hysteretic behavior, low-cycle fatigue property, long-term reliability, relative insensitive to environmental temperature An inelastic constitutive model for the material of metallic yield dampers is developed. (Dargush and soong, 1995) A finite-element formulation for the tapered-plate energy dissipator is developed. (Tsai, 1995)
Metallic yield dampers
Metallic yield dampers
The direct use of experimental data Metallic yield dampers The result shows that the proposed model effectively predicts the device behavior under wind and earthquake loading. The direct use of experimental data The hysteretic model is first selected. The model parameters are determined. The relationships between the model parameters and the size and material parameters of the device are established. By employing a bilinear model, the relationships between the model parameters and the size and material parameters are established. (Ou and Wu, 1995)
Utilize metallic dampers within a structural system Metallic yield dampers Utilize metallic dampers within a structural system Formulate design guidelines and procedures based on knowledge gained from theoretical and experimental study. Key parameters in reducing seismic response B/d (ratio of bracing stiffness to device stiffness) SR (brace-device assemblage stiffness to that of corresponding structural story) (Yielding displacement of the device) (Xia, 1990; Xia and hanson,1992; Tsai, 1993; Pong, 1994)
Metallic yield dampers Applications The earliest applications of metallic dampers to the structural systems occurred in New Zealand. (Skinner, 1980) ADAS devices have been installed in a 29-story steel-frame building in Nalpes, Italy. (Ciampi, 1991) In a two-story nonductile reinforced concrete building in San Francisco as a part of seismic retrofit. (Perry, 1993) In three reinforced concrete buildings in Mexico City as a part of seismic retrofit. (Martinez-Romero, 1993) In Japan, lead extrusion devices and metallic yield dampers have been installed in a number of buildings.
Friction dampers 2.2 Friction dampers Friction provides another excellent mechanism for energy dissipation. It is important to minimize stick-slip phenomena to avoid introducing high-frequency excitation. Compatible materials must be employed to maintain a consistent coefficient of friction over the intended life of device.
Friction dampers
Friction dampers
The dampers are not to slip during wind storms or moderate earthquake. Friction dampers The dampers are not to slip during wind storms or moderate earthquake. However, under severe loading conditions, the devices slip before yielding occurs in primary structural member. These device not significantly affected by loading amplitude, frequency, the number of loading cycles.
Composition of the interface Friction dampers Composition of the interface Steel to steel, brass to steel, graphite impregnated bronze on stainness steel Great importance for insuring longevity of operation of the devices Most friction dampers used coulomb friction with a constant coefficient of friction. Key parameters in reducing seismic response YSR (ratio of initial slip load to yielding force of corresponding structural story) SR (ratio of bracing stiffness to stiffness of corresponding structural story) (Nims, 1993; Scholl, 1993)
A combination mechanism Friction dampers A combination mechanism A friction damping device for control of structural damage due to severe earthquake motion A viscoelastic damping device for control of low energy excitation (Tsiatas and Olson,1998; Pong, 1994a,b; Tsiatas and Daly, 1994) A bidirectional friction device Consist of stack of sliders that are alternately flat and convex Provide a nearly circular distribution of clamping pressure over the contact area (Dorka, 1992)
Applications Pall friction devices have been installed in canada Metallic yield dampers Applications Pall friction devices have been installed in canada Sumitomo friction dampers have been installed in a 31-story steel-frame sonic office building in japan. (Aiken and kelly, 1990) Pall x-braced friction devices and their variations have been installed in several buildings as a retrofit and new facility. (Pall, 1993,1996)
2.3 Viscoelastic dampers(vd) 1. Viscoelastic materials ① Characteristic 1) Rate dependent behavior (viscous) 2) Elastic behavior (elastic) 3) Store and dissipate energy at all deformation levels ② Kind 1) Polymeric materials : <fig 2.3.1-1 Typical polymeric structure network> 2) Glassy materials : <fig 2.3.1-2 Typical glass structure (sodium-silicate glass)> ③ Application : both wind and seismic protection
Viscoelastic dampers 2. Typical viscoelastic damper (by the 3M company inc.) by shen and soong(1995) <Fig 2.3.2-1 Viscoelastic damper > < fig 2.3.2-2 Typical hesteretic loops > ▶ Viscoelastic dampers dissipate enegy through shear deformation of the viscoelastic layers
3. Basic principles (Zhang et al,1989) Viscoelastic dampers 3. Basic principles (Zhang et al,1989) : Shear strain : Loss factor : shear stress : Shear storage modulus : Shear loss modulus Under a sinusoidal load with frequency → , → where , Using → ------------------------------------------------------------ (1) ▶ First term : in-phase portion with representing the elastic modulus Second term : out-of-phase portion represents the energy dissipation component ▶ , : Analytical expressions obtained Using experimental results (Chang et al,1993) Using the Boltzmann’s superposition principles(Shen and Shoon,1995)
4. Characteristics ① Force-displacement relationship Viscoelastic dampers 4. Characteristics ① Force-displacement relationship ------------------------------------------------- (2) Where A : Total shear area , : Total thickness ▶ A linear structural system with added viscoelastic dampers remains linear with the dampers → A significant simplification in analysis of viscoelastically damped systems (Zhang et al.1989 ; Zhang and Soong.1992) ② Response analysis for linear system ▶ SDOF : Using eqs. (1) and (2) ▶ MDOF : Using the modal strain energy method (← Finite element analysis) (Soong and Lai.1991 , Chang et al.1993)
③ Temperature effect on the behavior of viscoelastic materials Viscoelastic dampers ③ Temperature effect on the behavior of viscoelastic materials → Investigated and quantified (Chang et al.1992 ; Shen and Soong.1995) → Natural period varies moderately under varying temperatures → If the damper is designed as a stiff device, the damping ratio is almost unchanged when the temperature changes ( Kasai et al.1994) → If the temperature is constant, the viscoelastic material is linear over a wide range of strain → At large strains : considerable self-heating due to the large amount of energy dissipated ↓ change the mechanical properties of material the overall behavior is nonlinear → Heating-softening effect is present even linear response : linear analysis can only be for approximation of the response the frequency domain approach is not suitable for seismic applications when large strains are most likely experienced
5. Research development ① Makris(1994) Viscoelastic dampers 5. Research development ① Makris(1994) → Present a complex-parameter Kelvin model → Parameters are complex-valued but frequency-independent Applicable for nonlinear systems ② Makris and Dargush(1994) → Present a boundary-element formulation for the dynamic analysis of generalized viscoelastic materials ③ Blondet(1993) → Two full-scale dampers were dynamically tested ④ Nielsen(1994) → Six smaller dampers were tested to failure : The failure occurred at very large strain levels
→ Full-scale prototype structure incorporated with VD was tested Viscoelastic dampers ⑤ Chang(1993), Lai(1995) → Full-scale prototype structure incorporated with VD was tested ⑥ Chang(1994) → Experimental and analytical studies on the inelastic seismic behavior of two 2/5-scale steel movement restoring frames with and without VD ⑦ Recent experimental and analytical studies ( Foutch(1993) ; Lobo(1993) ; Chang(1994,1995) ; Shen(1995)) → Apply to steel as well as reinforced concrete structures under a wide range of intensities of earthquakes ▶ Note : steel structure → seismic response is elastic reinforced concrete structure → seismic response is inelastic ↓ permanent deformation and damage addition of VD can reduce the development of damage
6. Application to civil engineering structures Viscoelastic dampers 6. Application to civil engineering structures ① World Trade Center in New York (1969) (a) The World Trade Center (b) Damper installation <Fig 2.3.6-1 Damper installation in the World Trade Center, New York> ( Courtesy of the 3M Company, St.Paul,MN ) → 10,000 VDs in each tower (distributed from 10th to 110th floor)
② The Columbia SeaFirst Building in Seattle (1982) Viscoelastic dampers ② The Columbia SeaFirst Building in Seattle (1982) (a) The Columbia SeaFirst Building (b) Damper installation <Fig 2.3.6-2 Damper installation in the Columbia SeaFirst Building,Seattle> (Courtesy of the 3M Company,St.Paul,MN) → 260 VDs → To reduce wind-induced vibration
③ The Two Union Square Building in Seattle (1988) Viscoelastic dampers ③ The Two Union Square Building in Seattle (1988) (a) The Two Union Square Building (b) Damper installation <Fig 2.3.6-3 Damper Installation in the Two Union Square Building, Seattle> (Courtesy of the 3M Company, St.Paul,MN) → 16 large VDs were installed parallel to four columns in one floor → To reduce wind-induced vibration
④ The 13-story steel frame Santa Clara Country Building Viscoelastic dampers ④ The 13-story steel frame Santa Clara Country Building in San Jose,Calif (1994) → Use viscoelastic dampers to reduce seismic response ⑤ The Chien-Tan railroad station roof in Taipei,Taiwan (1994) → Utilized the dampers to reduce wind-induced vibrations ⑥ A navy-owned three-story lightly reinforced concrete building in San Diego (1997)
2.4 viscous fluid dampers (VFD) 1. Fluids can be used to dissipate energy 2. Application scopes of VFD : arerospace Military applications Structural application 3. Characteristic : ① Linear viscous response over a broad frequency range ② Insensitivity to temperature ③ Compactness in comparison to stroke and output force ▶Study of the seismic retrofit of reinforced concrete structures (reinhorn,1995) → Results : reduce inelastic deformation demand Reduce damage quantified by an index monitoring permanent deformation
Viscous fluid dampers 4. Several kinds of VFD ① Cylindrical pot fluid dampers <Fig 2.4.4-1 Cylindrical pot GERB damper > ( Makris and Constantinou, 1991) ② Viscous damping walls <Fig 2.4.4-2 Viscous damping wall > (Miyazaki and Mitsusaka, 1992) ③ Orificed fluid dampers <Fig 2.4.4-3 Schematic of fluidic orfice design> (Constantinou and Symans, 1993)
Viscous fluid dampers 5. Typical damper <Fig 2.4.5 Taylor devices fluid damper (Constantinou et al.1993) > ▶ It dissipates energy through movement of the piston in the highly viscous fluid ▶ Over a large frequency range ⇒ viscoelastic fluid behavior ▶ For Newtonian fluid (purely viscous fluid) ⇒ The output force is proportional to velocity of the piston
6. General Maxwell model (Makris and Constrantinou) Viscous fluid dampers 6. General Maxwell model (Makris and Constrantinou) X : Displacement of the piston F : Output force : Material constant ← Obtained through damper tests (Constantinou and Symans , 1992) : Fractional derivative ▶ For r=q=1 → Maxwell Model ( : Relaxation time, : Damping constant ) ▶ For model of the damper below the cut-off frequency about 4Hz →
▶ Most VFDs in current applications → Viscous fluid dampers ▶ Most VFDs in current applications → • Obtained by special design of the orifices • Advantages : the force tends to flatten out at higher velocities 7. Application of VFDs to civil engineering structures ① Two residential buildings in Los Angeles (Huffmann,1985) → Isolation systems with helical steel springs and viscous dampers → Earthquake protection <Fig 2.4.7-1 Base isolation system with helical springs and cylindrical pot fluid dampers (Huffmann, 1985)>
② 1-km bridge weighing 25,000 tons in Italy (1991) Viscous fluid dampers ② 1-km bridge weighing 25,000 tons in Italy (1991) → Protected by viscous silicon gel dampers at each abutment ( weigh : 2ton , length : 2m , stroke : 500mm ) ③ 78.6m high, 14-story building at the center of Shizouka City, Japan → Viscous walls have been used <Fig 2.4.7-2 SUT-Building in Shizuka city,Japan> < Fig2.4.7-3 VDW locations in SUT-Building> (Courtesy of Sumitomo Construction Co.,Ltd.,Tokyo,Japan) ( Miyazaki and Mitsusaka,1992)
④ Five buildings of the new San Bernardino Medical Center (1994) Viscous fluid dampers ④ Five buildings of the new San Bernardino Medical Center (1994) → base isolation system with viscous fluid dampers → 233 dampers ( each damper : output force = 320,000 lbs energy dissipation level = 3,000 HP (at 60 in/s) ) ⑤ Boiler frame in Japan (1994) → results : seismic displacement response of the boiler frame with dampers is reduced to 50-60% of the response without the dampers ⑥ 3-Story Pacific Bell North Area Operations Center (1995) → 62 Dampers ( each damper : capacity = 130kN , stroke=50mm) (a) Under construction (b) Damper installation <Fig 2.4.7-4 Pacific Bell North Area Operations Center> (Courtesy of Taylor Devices, Inc.,N.Tonawanda,NY)
2.5 Tuned mass dampers (TMD) 1. Basic principle <Fig 2.5.1 Models of SDOF structure and TMD> Total effective damping ceq = We can reduce the response of structure system by adding tmd
2. Practical considerations Tuned mass dampers 2. Practical considerations ① The amount of added mass ② TMD travel relative to the structure ③ Sensitivity to low levels of excitation 3. Research development ▶ As of today, most TMD applications have been made toward mitigation of wind-induced motion ▶ The seismic effectiveness of TMDs remains an important issue ① Den Hartog (1947) → Secondary mass with tuned spring and damping elements → Increase damping in the primary structure ② Clark (1988) → Propose the concept of MTMDs together with an optimization procedure Note : MTMD is to overcome the frequency-related limitations of TMDs
③ Xu and Igusa (1992) ; Yamaguchi and Harnpornchai (1993) Tuned mass dampers ③ Xu and Igusa (1992) ; Yamaguchi and Harnpornchai (1993) → Study on the behavior of MTMDs connected in parallel to the main system ④ Setareh (1994) → Propose DTMD consisting of two masses connected in series to the structure → Analytical Results ▶ DTMDs are more efficient than the conventional single mass TMDs over the whole range of total mass ratios ▶ DTMDs are only slightly more efficient than TMDs over the practical range of mass ratio (0.01-0.05) ⑤ Matsuhisa et al (1994) → Compare the effectiveness of TMDs of the spring-mass type the pendulum type the circular track type → Optimal TMD configurations is quite different
→ Studied the effectiveness of a ring-type pendulum TMD Tuned mass dampers ⑥ Li et al (1994) → Studied the effectiveness of a ring-type pendulum TMD on reducing seismic response of tall chimneys ⑦ Villaverde (1994) Numerical and experimental results on reducing the response of structure during different earthquakes → Some cases give good performance → Some have little or even no effect → Dependency on the characteristics of ground motion ▶ Response reduction is large for resonant ground motion ▶ Response reduction diminishes as the dominent frequency of the ground motion get futher away from the structure’s natural frequency
4. Application to civil engineering structure Tuned mass dampers 4. Application to civil engineering structure ① The Centerpoint Tower in Sydney, Australia (ENR, 1971 ; Kwok and MacDonald, 1987) (a) Centerpoint Tower (b) Water Tank TMD <Fig 2.5.4-1 TMD in Centepoint Tower (Kwok and MacDonald,1987)>
② Citicorp Center in New York and John Hancock Tower in Boston Tuned mass dampers ② Citicorp Center in New York and John Hancock Tower in Boston (a) Citicorp Center (b) TMD in Citicorp Center (Petersen,1980;1981) <Fig 2.5.4-2 TMD in Citicorp Center>
2.6 Tuned liquid dampers ( TLD ) Viscous action of fluid and wave breaking Liquid sloshing
TLCD Tube filled with water Passage of liquid through an orfice 2.6 Tuned liquid dampers TLCD Tube filled with water Passage of liquid through an orfice Fundamental frequency Length of column of water Dissipation term Nonlinear & depend on head loss
TMD TLD No activation mechanism Maintenance cost All time active Problem of inadequate setting TLD No activation mechanism Maintenance cost All time active The involved theory Complicated Hardware requirement & installation Simple At larger amplitude Not sensitive to actual frequency ratio between primary & secondary systems Drawback Small error ( measuring the still-water level ) Not significant during the strong vibration
History of TLD Sun(1991) : TLD ( SDOF with sinusoidal excitation) 2.6 Tuned liquid dampers History of TLD Sun(1991) : TLD ( SDOF with sinusoidal excitation) Wakahara(1989) : Wind-induced vibration Welt & Modi(1989a) : Building (wind & earthquake) Fujino et al(1988) : Behavior (rectangular & circular container )
Experiments ( test the validity ) 2.6 Tuned Liquid Dampers Experiments ( test the validity ) Small amplitude Theory Experiments Welt & Modi (1989b)’s experiments Shape : partially filled torus shaped dampers in wind tunnel Results : Damping ratio is sensitive to frequency ratio max at about 1.0 Amplitude Damping Fujino (1988) Shape : cylindrical shaped container on a steel platform Results : At small amplitude the added damping is highly depend on the ratio of structure to sloshing frequency ( maximum when the ratio 1 ) At larger amplitude the added damping is reduced and almost constant for any frequency ratio
Sun (1989) Chaiseri et al (1989) Shaking table test on rectangular TLD 2.6 Tuned liquid dampers Sun (1989) Shaking table test on rectangular TLD Verify the accuracy of the simplified theory Chaiseri et al (1989) Rectangular container on a SDOF platform First part Varying the water depth at constant amplitude Minimum at tuned case Second part Varying the excitation frequency Result Initial condition on structures and waves are not Significant
Application Steel frame tower at Nagasaki Airport 50 in height tank 2.6 Tuned liquid dampers Application Steel frame tower at Nagasaki Airport 25 tuned sloshing damper 50 in height tank 7 layers - 7cm height Water depth 4.8cm Tank diameter 38cm Mass of water 1.6% of effective mass in fundamental mode 0.59% of total mass of structure Result Critical damping ratio 4.7% with damper (5 times of without damper)
Yokohama Marine Tower Case 2.6 Tuned liquid dampers Yokohama Marine Tower Case 39 tuned sloshing damper 50cm height cylinder container 10 layers of 5cm with water height 2.1cm Tank diameter 49cm Total mass of water/tank 1% of effective modal mass 0.3% of total mass of structure
2.7 Other energy dissipators Vibration suppression method Use : bridge cable (aerodynamic vibration) Shape : cut as V and U stripes (protection tube surface of cable ) Wind test result Reynold’s number of cable aerodynamic vibration Connecting two adjacent structures Use : controlling high-rise building during strong earthquake Method : connecting two adjacent structures with dampers at roofs Requirement Different dynamic properties
Rubber composite damper 2.7 Other energy dissipators High damping rubber Properties : low stiffness & high energy absorption ability Similar with viscoelastic damper Material : unvulcanized rubber ( LRB use vulcanized rubber) Rubber composite damper Use : cable-stayed bridges Shape : rubber washer + cable sleeve Impact damper Use : highway light poles ( reduce wind vortex-induced oscillations) Application : particle damper ( consist of four edged brackets )
2.8 Code development and concluding remarks Tentative requirement The energy dissipation working group (EDWG) The base isolation subcommittee of the structural engineers association of northern california (SEAONC) Design guide line for wide range of system hardware (metallic, frictional, viscoelastic, and viscous devices except TMD, TLD) General concept Energy dissipators Inelastic deformation Main structures Elastic deformation Conservative
The april 1993 version of tentative requirement 2.8 Code development and concluding remarks The april 1993 version of tentative requirement Structures Dynamic analysis + Energy dissipation devices Rate dependent device Response spectrum analysis (Viscoelastic & viscous dampers) All rate-independent devices (metallic damper & friction dampers) Nolinear time history analysis Inelastic stuructures Prototype test General statement about environmental factors Such as temperature, moisture and creep
ATC ( Applied Technology Council) 2.8 Code development and concluding remarks A second document By BSSC (Building Seismic Safety Council ) Pronvisions = SEAONC ( in scope & concept ) ATC ( Applied Technology Council) Developing guidelines Commentary for seismic isolation & energy dissipation systems
2.6 Tuned liquid dampers
2.6 Tuned liquid dampers