Nanotechnologies for Electronics
Nano? The “nano” prefix comes from old greek: very very small yotta Y 1024 zetta Z 1021 exa E 1018 peta P 1015 tera T 1012 giga G 109 mega M 106 kilo k 103 etto h 102 deca da 101 deci d 10-1 centi c 10-2 milli m 10-3 micro m 10-6 nano n 10-9 pico p 10-12 femto f 10-15 atto a 10-18 zepto z 10-21 yocto y 10-24 The “nano” prefix comes from old greek: very very small In science is the billionth of a meter
Dust mite
2000 1950
1965: n. of transistors doubled every 2 years, until the atomic limit is reached …
Technology roadmap
Why smaller?
Intel 32 nm interconnect
Towards the Moore’s law end? Cost reduction is reaching the limit.
NO ROADMAP–CLUSTERS OF INVENTIONS(*) Room for Nobel Prize EVOLUTION/ROADMAP (*) (*) – Modified by Bruno Murari 21 21
System-in-a-Box: a digital brain with analog muscles and interfaces 22
Need to bring “More Moore” and “More than Moore” at work! Mechanical Digital Analog Optical SIP More than Moore More Moore Fluidics Bio SW Organics Programming model DFM 23
Nanotechnological approaches “Top-down” –starting with a larger component or substrate and carving away material (like a sculpture). In nanotechnology: patterning by using lithography and etching away material, as in building integrated circuits “Bottom-up” –assembling smaller components to build something more complex. In nanotechnology: self-assembly of atoms and molecules, as in chemical and biological systems
Video Intel
INTEL Tick-Tock Model
Interconnect technology
Top-down fabrication Method used by integrated circuit industry to fabricate computer chips down to ~ 15 nm size Intel’s transistors It makes use of depositing thin films, then “lithography” and plasma etching to make films into desired patterns on a silicon wafer.
Top down approach Pattern Transfer substrate Coating or stripping step Spin coating Wafer resist substrate Lithography After x process steps substrate Developing substrate Remover Lift-Off Etching metal Pattern Transfer
Typical Instrumentation substrate Spin coating Exposure Developing Cleaning Instrumentation Film thickness measurement Cleaning Spin coating Exposure Developing Inspection wet bench (eye-) shower for accidents with acids storage for chemicals stove / hotplate refrigerator spin coater Film Thickness Probe Lithographic tool optical microscope sputtering machine SEM Process step Spin coating Film thickness measurement Exposure Developing Inspection
Hi-Res Lithographies Mask transfer: Optical Lithography DUV with Phase shifting masks (~50 nm) X-Ray/EUV lithography (~20 nm) Imprint Lithography (~10 nm) Direct writing Electron Beam Lithography ( ~ 10 nm) Ion Beam Lithography ( ~ 10 nm) Scanning Proximal Probe Lithographies ( ~ 1 nm) Holographic/laser Litography ( ~ 100 nm) 3D Two photon lithography DLP/laser lithography The minimum feature: 0.5 l/NA=0.5 l/ nsen
The minimum feature: 0.5 l/NA=0.5 l/ nsen
Interdisciplinarietà nelle nanotecnologie: la strategia Top down Optical lithography Semiconductors Electron beam lithography Semiconductors X-ray lithography Semiconductors Soft Lithographies Organics, semiconductors Bottom-up Self organized epitaxy Semiconductor nanostructures Self-assembling Supramolecular structures (organics) Biomolecular self organization Biophysics, physiology