Ancient Greece By:Jabe
Troy’s downfall The Trojan war may not have even been real but if it was the horse was a pretty good idea. Horse made out of ships Odysseus was forced to kill Anticlus inside the Wooden Horse because Helen tried to trick the Greeks into revealing to the Trojans that there were men hidden in the belly of the Wooden Horse.
Greece Today! Greece is a flourishing and modern city boasting a trade tonnage of 15 billion a year! 12 largest coastline 13,769 km or about 8,556 miles
Greek Style Greece and all its artisans are known around the world for their priceless art and historical architecture. The first inhabitants of the Greek peninsula who are believed to be Neolithic built very primitive and basic structures.
Famous Heroes Monsters and even some gods had no chance at the hands of the heroics of mortal Grecian men Hercules was outwitted by his nemesis Hera from before the time he was born. Odysseus was the wily hero of the Greeks who was considered by them second to Achilles.
Greece’s Dark side Monsters reigned supreme in ancient Greece ranging from simple creatures which only eat sheep to three headed lions that destroyed cities.