The Wanderings Of Odysseus Scrapbook The Armour of Achilles The Wooden Horse Sinon
The Armor of Achilles
When Achilles died, his armour was awarded to Odysseus When Achilles died, his armour was awarded to Odysseus. This is a picture of Odysseus receiving his new armour.
When Ajax heard that Achilles’ armour was given the Odysseus, he slaughtered a flock of sheep which he imagined as the Greek army.
When Ajax realized what he had done, he buried his sword-hilt in the ground and committed suicide by flinging himself onto it.
The Wooden Horse
It seemed that the Greeks had gone, and in front of Troy, there was a large wooden horse. This was a gift from the Greeks to signify the end of the war.
The priest in Troy was very sceptical of the gift, and gave a speech about how it was not safe the bring inside the walls of Troy. He threw his sword at the wooden horse, and the horse echoed as if it was in fact hollow.
A Greek soldier was brought forward wearing shackles and headpiece A Greek soldier was brought forward wearing shackles and headpiece. He explained that he was being sacrificed so that the Greeks would have a safe trip home. He told the Trojans that if they didn’t accept the horse, they would have a wrath upon them.
Not a moment after the Greek explained about the wrath, 2 large snakes came a crushed the priest and his 2 sons to death. It was then that the Trojans believed the Greek soldier and agreed to bring the horse inside.
That night, while the Trojans were asleep, the Greeks snuck out of the hollow horse and let the rest of the Greeks who had sailed to the shore inside the walls of Troy for the first time. The Greeks burned down the city to the ground.