Dol Week 13
Copy the sentences and fix the errors. 1. My cousin, a frequint visitor at our house, asked “Have you read the book the Trojan horse”? 2. I shook my head, and him said, “Well leave me tell you the plot.”
Copy the sentences and fix the errors. 3. The greek people in anciant times was at war with a people of Troy. 4. “The Trojans had kidnapped helen the wife of a Greek king,” Scott explained to I.
Copy the sentences and fix the errors. 5. Troy was surrounded by a strong wall so it’s inhabitents was safe from the greeks. 6. One day a Greek soldiers sailed off and left behind this here huge wooden horse.
Copy the sentences and fix the errors. 7. Cassandra and laocoon too Trojans warned the citizens about the wooden horse. 8. There guidence however was ignored, and the horse was bringed into the city of Troy.
Copy the sentences and fix the errors. 9. “Whom finally won the trojan war?” i asked my best friend. 10. “The horse was full of Greek soldiers” sayed Ada, and they conquered the city of Troy.”