What We Said We Would Do Sustaining Quick Wins Going to Scale Building Global Partnerships Documenting Success Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 3
Sustaining Quick Wins Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 4
Progress Accelerates, 2009-2015 Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 5
Going to Scale Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 6
Supplements Awarded Gates Foundation awards $18 million supplement & extends AFP to 2018 Hewlett Foundation awards $750,000 Packard Foundation awards $750,000 Total Support for AFP I and AFP II $51.1 million Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 7
Supplement Enables AFP To Continue on-going advocacy for high quality family planning in nine focus countries and the Opportunity Fund Expand advocacy directly or indirectly to other geographies Intensify focus on providing family planning information and services to youth Increase contraceptive mix, especially Sayana® Press Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 8
Diffusing Our Approach Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 9
Fostering Locally-Driven Advocacy for Family Planning Workshop January 21-25, 2016 – Nusa Dua, Indonesia Country Organization Burkina Faso Management Sciences for Health (FCI Program) Madagascar Management Sciences for Health Ghana Marie Stopes International Kenya World Provision Center Nigeria Philippines Forum for Family Planning and Development Uganda FHI360 Population Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Zambia Centre 4 Reproductive Health and Education, Zambia Workshop— 22 Participants 14 Countries Grants— 9 participants 8 countries Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 10
Ampliando el Acceso: Advancing Access to Contraceptive Information, Services and Supplies for Latin American Youth Launched in January 2016 by AFP and International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR) in partnership with Profamilia /Colombia, Profamilia/Dominican Republic, and MEXFAM/Mexico A one-year, independently funded project to expand contraceptive access for youth by strengthening local advocacy efforts Opportunity to diffuse the AFP approach and capitalize lessons learned to tackle remaining family planning challenges facing Latin American youth Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 11
Research to Policy: Increasing Access to Sayana® Press To advocate for policies needed to scale-up access to subcutaneous DMPA and permit self/home injection, AFP and partners will: Apply evidence to advocacy at a meeting in late 2016/early 2017, in Dakar, Senegal Involve all countries where the method has been introduced Synthesize evidence (PATH in the lead) Identify and support next steps for advocacy with funding from TJ Mather Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 12
Building Global Partnerships Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 13
The Advocacy Collaborative (TAC) Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 14
Organizations Consulted Evidence & Research Guttmacher Institute PATH Population Council Population Reference Bureau Service Providers JHU Center for Communication Programs EngenderHealth FHI360 IntraHealth International Planned Parenthood Federation Ipas Jhpiego John Snow Inc. Management Sciences for Health Marie Stopes International Palladium Pathfinder International Population Services International Donors Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation David & Lucile Packard Foundation DFID USAID William & Flora Hewlett Foundation Policy/Advocacy DSW FP2020 PAI Planned Parenthood Global Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition WHO Women Deliver Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 15
Strong Support for International Advocacy Because: Unfinished business Stagnation of donor funding Changing aid architecture Local ownership for sustainability Decentralized decision-making Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 16
INGOs’ Footprint by the Numbers: INGOs and Their Developing Country Partners Have Potential to Be a Powerful Agent of Change INGOs’ Footprint by the Numbers: USAID Focus Countries 26 INGOs with Country Offices 19 NGO Country Offices 232 NGO Country Programs 282 Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 17
TAC June Meeting Decision Points and Next Steps Jhpiego is first TAC secretariat More advocacy needed TAC will be a facilitation mechanism loosely organized, focused and action-oriented Jhpiego will circulate a short survey to identify priority areas and geographies and need for a second meeting AFP will circulate a short survey to determine advocacy capacity-building activities Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 18
Documenting Success Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 19
Funding for Family Planning Key Highlights Budget Increases Related to AFP Advocacy Efforts* Total financial allocations for family planning increased from $4,163,264 in 2013 to $13,516,859 in 2015; a 225% increase. From 2013-June 2016, $38,400,332 has been allocated across all levels – village, district/county/state, and national. Allocations in 2016 are continuing to increase; from 2015 to June 2016, district and village budgets have increased by 71% & 460% respectively. From 2015 to June 2016, $540,945 and $1500 were budgeted for Nakuru county, Kenya and Adjarra commune, Burkina Faso respectively. (Faith & FP advocacy achievements; Numbers not included in the table) Budget allocations for graduated districts and villages are not tracked Overview of financial allocations (US $) 2013 2014 2015 Jun-16 National Budget Allocations 4,070,218 10,344,715 12,586,618 8,064,809 District/County/State Budget Allocations 91,033 224,100 865,581 1,478,301 Village Budget Allocations 213,000 62,645 350,748 Total Allocations 4,163,264 10,783,829 13,516,859 9,936,380 *15 countries made financial commitments that were linked to AFP advocacy initiatives. 9 focus countries: Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda. 4 Opportunity Fund countries: Benin, Kenya, Mauritania, Zambia 2 regional network countries: Malawi, Zanzibar Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 20
Contextual Opportunities and Challenges Changing Aid Architecture Sustainable Development Goals Global Financing Facility Donor Stagnation United States Leadership BMGF Leadership PMA and TCI Coordination Decentralization Youth Sayana® Press Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 21
U.S. Global Health Funding: Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH), FY2006-FY2017 Request NOTES: Includes final FP/RH funding totals provided through USAID as well as U.S. contributions to UNFPA. Includes base and supplemental funding. FY13 includes the effects of sequestration. FY16 is a preliminary estimate. Final family planning funding levels may differ from the initially enacted level. For example, in FY15 Congress appropriated $610 million in FP/RH funding including “not less than $575 million” in bilateral FP/RH funding and $35 million for the U.S. contribution to UNFPA. However, final FP/RH funding in FY15 (as reported on ForeignAssistance.gov) totaled $616 million ($585 million in bilateral FP/RH funding and $31 million for the U.S. contribution to UNFPA). SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of data from the Office of Management and Budget, Agency Congressional Budget Justifications, Congressional Appropriations Bills, and U.S. Foreign Assistance Dashboard [website], available at: www.foreignassistance.gov. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 22
Financial Analysis EC Funding 2007-2013 (i) EU Institutions expenditures: Health (general + basic) vs. Population Policies/Programmes & Reproductive Health Source: EC reports In Million € Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 23
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