Carson Reading Room Training Thank You for Your Support!
Bushy Park Carson Reading Room Grand opening
Introduction to Carson Reading Room
Located in Room 235
Volunteer Information Station Emergency Exit Map! Volunteer Information Station
Class Lists Binder Upon arrival, put on a badge. Take the binder with the class lists to the scheduled teacher’s classroom. See map if needed.
Attendance Sheet (in Binder) The teacher will direct you as to which students you will take. Please find all students’ names on the checklist and write the date next to their name. Walk students quietly to the Carson Reading Room.
Volunteer Directions (Wear our Special Badge) Enjoy reading for 15-20 minutes. Clean up. Choose a “Reading Star” and give a prize. Walk the students back to their class. ** In the event of a fire drill, follow the emergency exit map to the outside, then find the homeroom teacher.
Remind Students To: Find a book and a seat quickly so they can fully utilize their 20 minutes of reading time. Use a “book marker” when they take a book to mark where it goes upon return. Review the Carson Reading Room rules that are posted.
What Can You Do While in the Room? Help students select books. Have a student read to you. Read aloud to a student. Read with a group of students. Monitor students as they read independently.
Prize Basket Choose a “Reading Star” to receive a prize. Pick a child doing a particularly great job. Place a star * next to the child’s name on the class list. Try to choose a child who has not been chosen previously. Pick a prize from the prize box for the student.
Fill out Communication Log (in Binder)
As You Leave… Have students return their books to the places they marked. Have students return their bookmarks. Straighten furniture and books Walk students back to their classroom to downstairs to lunch or recess if that is next.
If you haven’t already…... Please complete the HCPSS Confidentiality Training and BPES Volunteer Training. Both trainings can be found on our school website under GET INVOLVED! Turn in your completed certificates to the Front Office.
TT Think Big! “The book to read is not the one that thinks for you, but the one which makes you think” - Harper Lee Thank you for helping our students THINK BIG!