GCSE WRITING Support presentation GCSE Modern Languages GCSE WRITING Support presentation
What should tasks be based on? GCSE Modern Languages What should tasks be based on? Most popular topics- family, school, holidays, local environment Others include environment, health, work, leisure Topics need to be accessible
How many bullet points should there be? GCSE Modern Languages How many bullet points should there be? 200-300 words a suggested guideline though candidates can write more Those aiming for A*- C 200- 300 words D – G 100 – 150 words 5 points favoured by most centres Fewer means candidates must write more More might not allow enough development
What should these bullet points contain? GCSE Modern Languages What should these bullet points contain? Need for variety Need for balance when produced Should not be overloaded Should not be too limited Should be written in order if possible Opinion throughout but could be focus of a point e.g. My opinion of the holiday.
Should all bullet points be covered? GCSE Modern Languages Should all bullet points be covered? Yes, failure to do so will impact on the marks for Communication and Grammar & Structures
Informative/Comparative/Persuasive writing GCSE Modern Languages Informative/Comparative/Persuasive writing There should be 2 from the 3 above in the two pieces submitted A comparative/persuasive piece does not mean that all bullet points are of this type Try to integrate the comparative / persuasive elements into the task
KEY IDEAS clarity development relevance Communication GCSE Modern Languages Communication KEY IDEAS clarity development relevance
BAND 5 - Communication GCSE Modern Languages The candidate communicates the task very clearly and concisely and displays a very good knowledge of the topic. Ideas and opinions are expressed and justified.
BAND 4 - Communication GCSE Modern Languages The candidate communicates the task clearly and concisely and displays a good knowledge of the topic. Ideas and opinions are expressed and there is some justification.
BAND 3 - Communication GCSE Modern Languages The candidate communicates the task and displays some knowledge of the topic. Some ideas and opinions are expressed.
BAND 2 - Communication GCSE Modern Languages The candidate communicates some of the task and displays a limited knowledge of the topic. There are few ideas and opinions.
BAND 1 - Communication GCSE Modern Languages The candidate does not communicate the task and displays very limited knowledge of the topic. No ideas or opinions are expressed.
GRAMMAR & STRUCTURES GCSE Modern Languages Assess overall proportion which is accurate “idiomatic language” = quality of language “structures” include tenses Minor errors Major errors
BAND 5 - GRAMMAR & STRUCTURES GCSE Modern Languages There are few errors. The writing is well ordered and coherent. The candidate uses a wide variety of vocabulary and structures. There is good evidence of idiomatic language.
BAND 4 - GRAMMAR & STRUCTURES GCSE Modern Languages There are some errors where more complex language is used. The writing is likely to have a natural flow. The candidate uses a range of vocabulary and structures . There is some evidence of idiomatic language.
BAND 3 – GRAMMAR & STRUCTURES GCSE Modern Languages There are frequent minor errors but the majority of the task is comprehensible. The candidate uses a limited range of vocabulary and structures. There is little evidence of idiomatic language.
BAND 2 – GRAMMAR & STRUCTURES GCSE Modern Languages There are frequent major and minor errors, but up to half of the text is meaningful. The candidate uses basic vocabulary and structures. There is no evidence of idiomatic language.
BAND 1 – GRAMMAR & STRUCTURES GCSE Modern Languages There are major and frequent errors, making the text ambiguous and difficult to understand. The candidate uses short, simple sentences or phrases but there are many inaccuracies in spelling.