learning how to read the bible The Story learning how to read the bible
Compelling, but confusing … and often boring The Bible Compelling, but confusing … and often boring
The bible is a small library of books OLD TESTAMENT (“Hebrew Scriptures”) Many different authors Different styles / literary types (genres) 611,000 words in Hebrew 39 books in the shared canon written in Aramaic & Hebrew 7 additional books in the second canon (Deuteronomical) of the Catholic Church written mostly in Greek
OLD TESTAMENT (“Hebrew Scriptures”) Christian (English) bibles are arranged like the Septuagint / LXX (3rd C. BC) Greek translation Organised into 4 sections Pentateuch (Torah / Law) Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy History Joshua, Judges Ruth 1-2 Samuel 1-2 Kings 1-2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Wisdom Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Hebrew Bible (based on Septuagint order) 39 books Including Deuterocanonical books = 46 books in Catholic OT Genesis Joshua Job Isaiah Psalms Jeremiah Exodus Judges Proverbs Lamentations Leviticus Ruth Ecclesiastes Ezekiel Numbers 1 Samuel Samuel 2 Samuel Song of Songs Daniel + Daniel Deuteronomy 1 Kings Kings 2 Kings Wisdom 12 Minor Prophets Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi 1 Chron Chronicles 2 Chron Sirach Ezra Ezra - Nehemiah Nehemiah Tobit Judith Esther + Esther 1 Macc 2 Macc Pentateuch (Torah / Law) History Wisdom Prophets KETUVIM “Writings” NEVI’IM “Prophets” TORAH “Law” Ta Na K
Hebrew Bible Ta Na K 24 books TORAH KETUVIM NEVI’IM Psalms Poetic Proverbs Genesis Joshua Job Exodus Judges Song of Songs Leviticus Samuel Ruth Numbers Kings 5 scrolls (5 Megillot) Lamentations Deuteronomy Isaiah Ecclesiastes Jeremiah Esther Daniel Ezekiel * Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Other late books Ezra - Nehemiah 12 Minor Prophets* Chronicles TORAH “Law” NEVI’IM “Prophets” KETUVIM “Writings”
Hebrew Bible (based on Septuagint order) 39 books Genesis Joshua Job Isaiah Psalms Jeremiah Exodus Judges Proverbs Lamentations Leviticus Ruth Ecclesiastes Ezekiel Numbers 1 Samuel Samuel 2 Samuel Song of Songs Daniel Deuteronomy Kings 1 Kings 2 Kings 12 Minor Prophets Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi 1 Chron Chronicles 2 Chron Ezra - Nehemiah Ezra Nehemiah Esther Pentateuch (Torah / Law) History Wisdom Prophets NEVI’IM “Prophets” TORAH “Law” KETUVIM “Writings” Ta Na K
Hebrew Bible Ta Na K 24 books TORAH KETUVIM NEVI’IM Psalms Proverbs Genesis Joshua Job Exodus Judges Song of Songs Leviticus Samuel Ruth Numbers Kings Lamentations Deuteronomy Isaiah Ecclesiastes Jeremiah Esther Daniel Ezekiel * Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Ezra - Nehemiah 12 Minor Prophets* Chronicles TORAH “Law” NEVI’IM “Prophets” KETUVIM “Writings”
Hebrew Bible Ranked by size TORAH KETUVIM NEVI’IM Kings (39,145) Isaiah (25,608) Job (12,674) Chronicles (38,013) Numbers (25,048) Proverbs (9,921) Samuel (38,007) Deuteronomy (23,008) Daniel (9,001) Jeremiah (33,002) 12 Minor Prophets (21,837) Esther (4,932) Genesis (32,046) Leviticus (18,852) Ecclesiastes (4,537) Psalms (30,147) Joshua (15,671) Lamentations (2,324) Ezekiel (29,918) Judges (15,385) Ruth (2,039) Exodus (25,957) Ezra – Nehemiah (14,112) Song of Songs (2,020) Hosea (3615), Joel (1447), Amos (3027), Obadiah (440), Jonah (1082), Micah (2118), Nahum (855), Habakkuk (1011), Zephaniah (1141), Haggai (926), Zechariah (4855), Malachi (1320) TORAH “Law” NEVI’IM “Prophets” KETUVIM “Writings”
Christian Bible (New Testament) 27 books Matthew Romans 1 Thessalonians Hebrews Mark 1 Corinthians 2 Thessalonians James Luke 2 Corinthians 1 Timothy 1 Peter John Galatians 2 Timothy 2 Peter Acts of the Apostles Ephesians Titus 1 John Philippians Philemon 2 John Paul’s 13 letters Colossians 3 John Jude Revelation Gospels Acts Letters Apocalyptic
The Gospel and Acts Synoptic (with one eye) Gospels Gospels Acts Matthew Synoptic (with one eye) Gospels Mark Luke John Acts of the Apostles Gospels Acts
The order of the Gospel and Acts Mark Written c.65 (Rome) 70AD Temple in Jerusalem destroyed Matthew Written c.75 (Antioch) Luke Written c.85 (Antioch) 80-90AD Separation of Judaism and Christianity John Written c.95 (Ephesus) Acts of the Apostles Written c.85 (Antioch) Gospels Acts
The order of the Gospel and Acts Matthew Written c.75 – Connection with Moses / during change Mark Written c.65 – Dealing with suffering John Written c.95 – Growing in love / resurrection joy Luke Written c.85 – Growing in service / discipleship Acts of the Apostles Written c.85 – Living as missionary church Gospels Acts
The order of the Gospel and Acts Mark John Suffering Joy Lent/Easter Year B Luke Matthew Acts of the Apostles Change Service Year A Year C Gospels Acts
The same pattern in the Hebrew Scriptures Exodus Sinai Redemption Suffering Patriarchs Exile Jerusalem Service Change
Christian Bible (New Testament) 27 books Matthew Romans 1 Thessalonians Hebrews Mark 1 Corinthians 2 Thessalonians James John 2 Corinthians 1 Timothy 1 Peter Luke Galatians 2 Timothy 2 Peter Ephesians Acts of the Apostles Titus 1 John Philippians Philemon 2 John Paul’s letters Colossians 3 John Jude Revelation Gospels Acts Letters Apocalyptic
Paul’s 13 letters Gospels Acts Letters Romans 1 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Gospels 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians Acts 1 Timothy Letters 2 Timothy Titus Apocalyptic Philemon
Paul’s 13 letters are arranged by length Gospels Acts Letters Romans (7,111) 1 Corinthians (6,830) 2 Corinthians (4,477) Galatians (2,230) Paul’s 13 letters are arranged by length Ephesians (2,422) Philippians (1,629) *Not to scale Colossians (1,582) Gospels 1 Thessalonians (1,481) 2 Thessalonians (823) Acts 1 Timothy (1,591) Letters 2 Timothy (1,238) Titus (659) Apocalyptic Philemon (335) Hebrews (4,953)
Paul’s 13 letters but are better read chronologically Gospels Acts 1 Thessalonians (1,481) Paul’s 13 letters but are better read chronologically 2 Thessalonians (823) 1 Corinthians (6,830) 2 Corinthians (4,477) Galatians (2,230) Paul wrote between 48 – 64 AD (All of his letters were written before any of the Gospels) Romans (7,111) Colossians (1,582) Ephesians (2,422) Gospels Philemon (335) Philippians (1,629) Acts 1 Timothy (1,591) Titus (659) Letters 2 Timothy (1,238) Apocalyptic
Christian Bible (New Testament) Length of books Matthew (28) 18,346 4,953 Hebrews Mark (16) 11,304 1,742 James John (21) 15,635 1,684 1 Peter Luke (24) 19,482 1,099 2 Peter Acts (28) 18,450 2,141 1 John 245 2 John Luke-Acts (37,932) 219 3 John 13 letters of Paul (32,408) 461 Jude 9,851 Revelation Gospels 64,767 (47%) Acts 18,450 (13%) Letters 44,552 (32%) Apocalyptic 9,851 (7%)
Christian Bible (New Testament) 27 books Matthew Hebrews 1 Thessalonians Ephesians Mark 2 Thessalonians Philemon James John 1 Corinthians Philippians 1 Peter 2 Corinthians 1 Timothy Luke 2 Peter Galatians Titus Acts of the Apostles 1 John Romans 2 Timothy 2 John Colossians Paul’s letters 3 John Jude Revelation Gospels Acts Letters Apocalyptic
Christian Bible (New Testament) 27 books Read Gospels - Acts Matthew 2 Corinthians Philemon Paul’s letters Mark Galatians Philippians John 1 Thessalonians Romans 1 Timothy Luke 2 Thessalonians Colossians Titus 1 Corinthians Acts of the Apostles Ephesians 2 Timothy Re-read Matthew, Read Hebrews & James Matthew Hebrews James Re-read Mark, Read 1-2 Peter & Jude Mark 1 Peter 2 Peter Jude John 1 John 2 John 3 John Re-read John; read Johannine literature Revelation