Learning Objectives To understand the key words used in exams To understand the answers for the questions you didn’t get marks for.
Available marks 1 = a short sharp answer – make a key work or phrase clear. 2 = an answer and a reason or two answers, you now need to analyse the question to work out where the marks are allocated. 5/6 marks often involve a QWC mark. Usually looking for 3 keywords used in correct order and context.
Long answer questions Before you start analyse the wording of the question, relate it to the marks available. Feel free to annotate the question paper. Draw yourself a diagram etc. If you are making 3 points and explaining them, lay it out so the examiner can identify the 3 points easily. QWC (Quality Written Communication) Use key scientific terms in your answer, make it clear that you understand what they mean.
Task: Key terms Match up the key words to the correct definitions.
Discuss the following “people with certain personality characteristics are more suited to taking part in certain sports”. (4 marks) Q) What are the key words? Q) What does discuss mean? Q) Are people with certain personality characteristics more suited to taking part in certain sports?
What does the word SOCIAL mean? Describe the social Learning theory? (4 marks) What does the word SOCIAL mean?
Social learning theory Describe the social Learning theory? (4 marks) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhe6p3Xkzt0 Big daddy Behaviour is determined through the situation or environment. Social learning theory Big bang theory/ Bandura’s dolls
Describe the social Learning theory? (4 marks) Task: Write the perfect answer using what you have learnt form class and your research.
B= f (P,E) Interactionist Describe the interactionists view of personality? (4 marks) constant interaction between the person and their environment. Genes- our genetic profile will interact with the environment. Interactionist B= f (P,E)
Describe the Interactionist theory to personality? (4 marks) Task: Write the perfect answer using what you have learnt form class and your research.
Problems with personality testing Name 3 issues associated with measurement of personality testing. Problems with personality testing
Evaluate the following statement, “Do you think there is a difference between athlete and non athlete personality types? (6marks) Q) What does evaluate mean? Q) What does it mean by athlete- non athlete Q) What personality types should they have?
Homework Using the revision notes re-answer the questions for Social learning, interactionist theory.