Sewer System Presentation Village of La Grange Informational Meeting October 18, 2010
Sewer System Presentation Local Sewer System Regional Sewer System - MWRD Private Property Facilities Question and Answer
Sewer System Presentation Presenters ~ Ryan Gillingham, P.E., Director of Public Works ~ Mike Bojovic, Asst. Director of Public Works ~ Tom Heuer, P.E., President, Heuer & Associates ~ Terry O’Brien, President, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago ~ Manju Sharma, P.E., Acting Director of Maintenance and Operations, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago ~ Patrick Benjamin, Director of Community Development Tom – Served as Village Engineer for approximately 20 years Manju – Worked for District for 22 years. Sanjay Patel - In charge of maintenance and operation of Collection Systems for the Stickney Basin 3. Joseph Kratzer - Design Engineer. 4. Ed Staudacher - Supervising Engineer in charge of waterways operations.
Local Sewer System Overview of Village’s sewer system Detailed system operations and relationship to MWRD and Deep Tunnel Summer rain events Response to rain events On-going maintenance activities Sewer improvement studies and long range plans
Local Sewer System The sewer system includes … ~ 38 miles of combined sewers ~ 7 miles of sanitary sewers ~ 23 miles of storm sewers with pipe sizes ranging between 8” and 72”
Local Sewer System Sewer systems were first installed in La Grange in the 1880’s These early systems were constructed to collect storm water and sanitary waste in a single pipe Limitation of these combined sewer systems were recognized in the early 1900’s, as increasing urban density created water pollution problems By the 1930’s most new sewer systems were being designed with separated storm and sanitary sewers Older communities with combined sewers are forced to deal with the limitations of these systems
Local Sewer System The La Grange sewer system was constructed to operate by entirely gravity without the use of pumps, valves, or gates. The sewer system was constructed to outlet to Salt Creek; initially using available streams and ditches, and later through constructed pipe systems. Village operated a wastewater treatment plant to process dry weather flows until around 1930, when the MWRD extended the regional interceptor sewer system from its large treatment plant in Stickney.
Local Sewer System All dry weather wastewater flow generated by the Village is collected by the MWRD interceptor system and processed at the Stickney treatment plant. Most wet weather flow generated by the Village is collected by the MWRD Deep Tunnel system (TARP) and processed at the Stickney treatment plant. When the capacity of TARP is exceeded, the system is constructed to overflow to Salt Creek 1. Dry weather flow from La Grange – 1.8 MGD to 2.3 MGD
Local Sewer System What are the different types of “flooding”? Combined sewer backup Street flooding (Restrictors) Overland flow Foundation seepage Rear yard flooding
Combined Sewer Backup _______________ Without Flood Control
Combined Sewer Backup _______________ With Overhead Sewers
Combined Sewer Backup _______________ With Check Valve System
Combined Sewer Backup _______________ With Standpipe
Local Sewer System 2010 Rain Events Major Events occurred: June 2, 2010 June 23, 2010 July 24, 2010 August 3, 2010
June 2, 2010 Total – 2.26” Peak Hour – 0.78” Local Sewer System June 2, 2010 Total – 2.26” Peak Hour – 0.78”
June 23, 2010 Total – 2.12” Peak Hour – 1.32” Local Sewer System June 23, 2010 Total – 2.12” Peak Hour – 1.32”
July 24, 2010 Total – 6.83” Peak Hour – 1.34” Local Sewer System July 24, 2010 Total – 6.83” Peak Hour – 1.34”
August 3, 2010 Total – 2.08” Peak Hour – 0.94” Local Sewer System August 3, 2010 Total – 2.08” Peak Hour – 0.94”
Local Sewer System July 24, 2010 Storm 100-year storm – (1% probability of occurring in any given year) All areas of the Village were impacted Combined sewer backups Street flooding Overland flow issues
July 24, 2010 _______________ Calls received related to flooding
Local Sewer System Major Storm Issues on 7/24/10 Combined Sewer Backups Overland Flow South of 47th Street
July 24, 2010 _______________ Overland flow issues in the area south of 47th Street
Response To Summer Rain Events Local Sewer System Response To Summer Rain Events Responded to individual residents with e-mail and individual property visits Coordinated with FEMA and disseminated information Initiated and completed sewer cleaning and televising program Public meeting
2010 Sewer Televising Program Local Sewer System 2010 Sewer Televising Program Cleaned and televised 35,000 feet of sewer Areas centered on south of 47th Street and north west corner of Village No collapsed pipes or complete blockages were discovered Several areas were identified for repair and will be scheduled as part of a future repair program
2010 Sewer Televising Program
Operation and Maintenance Local Sewer System Operation and Maintenance Continue with sewer cleaning and televising program Identify repairs Remove debris within pipe Assess condition Removal of debris from top of catch basins in storm Contact Public Works Maintain restrictors within catch basins to ensure proper operation Continue with sewer lining program to replace aging infrastructure
Sewer Improvement Studies and Long Range Plans Local Sewer System Sewer Improvement Studies and Long Range Plans Goals and Objectives Add capacity to the Village’s sewer system to handle larger rain events Correct poorly functioning sewer segments Identify other issues contributing to loading on sewer system
Sewer Improvement Studies and Long Range Plans Local Sewer System Sewer Improvement Studies and Long Range Plans Regional Village Projects Maple Avenue Relief Sewer (MARS) Ogden Avenue Relief Sewer (OARS) Area South of 47th Street Neighborhood Projects Poplar Place Drainage Investigation Sunset / Elm Intersection Drainage Investigation
Local Sewer System M A R S The Maple Avenue Relief Sewer concept was developed in 2005 and presented to Village Board at the 2006 Capital Improvement Projects Workshop. The Board adopted the MARS concept and added it to scope of work being planned for the Bluff Avenue reconstruction project. In 2008 the Bluff Avenue project was divided into three stages to apportion cost and to make application for available grant funding. The construction of the initial outlet stage of the MARS sewer, connecting to the Deep Tunnel system, was started in 2009 and completed in 2010.
Local Sewer System O A R S The Ogden Avenue Relief Sewer concept was developed in 1999 during the planning for the reconstruction of Tilden Avenue. Although funding was not available, provisions were made for a future connection to the Deep Tunnel system. The concept was formally presented to Village Board at the 2006 Capital Improvement Projects Workshop and adopted subject to further refinement and coordination in conjunction with other improvements being planned in the area adjacent to the Ogden Avenue corridor. The project is presently under study to finalize the design service area and other system characteristics need to proceed with more advanced planning.
Local Sewer System Ogden Avenue Relief Sewer Service Area Approximates 50 Acres
Local Sewer System South Drainage Basin As a result of the significant rainfall that occurred on July 24, severe flooding caused damage to numerous residential properties. The flooding was particularly significant in the region of the Village located south of 47th Street. In consideration of this situation the Village Board authorized a special study of the south drainage basin to determine causes and remedies. The engineering study is still in progress at this time.
Local Sewer System South Drainage Basin
Local Sewer System Drainage Areas 560 Acres – Tributary to Cossitt Avenue Sewer (Existing) 255 Acres – Tributary to MARS (Proposed) 1. The drainage areas of MARS is approximately 34% of the Village.
Maple Avenue Relief Sewer Local Sewer System Maple Avenue Relief Sewer Essentially the project doubles the pipe capacity during wet weather flows. While the drainage area for the relief sewer is confined to the pink area, any sewers that are downstream would benefit from the reduction in wet weather flow.
Local Sewer System How it works … During dry weather the waste water flow is conveyed by the combination sewer system to the MWRD interceptor system. During periods of wet weather, the combination sewers receive and convey the combined sanitary and storm water to a special diversion structure. Within the diversion structure a large portion of the wet weather flow is diverted to the deeper relief sewer to provide relief for the downstream sewer system. The relief sewer conveys the diverted flow to the MWRD deep tunnel system. The combination sewer system conveys the remaining flow along the existing travel path to the interceptor sewer. Plan view – looking down When possible separate storm sewers would be connected into relief sewer
Local Sewer System How it works …. Plan view – looking down When possible separate storm sewers would be connected into relief sewer
Local Sewer System Current Status First stage of MARS incorporated into Bluff Avenue Reconstruction Project Stage 2 Relief sewer will provide storm water drainage for Bluff Avenue Stage 3 and provides backbone for future MARS extensions 70% of project funded through federal grant
Bluff Avenue - Stage 2 Construction Local Sewer System Bluff Avenue - Stage 2 Construction
Local Sewer System Construction 1992 Deep extended at East & Cossitt
Local Sewer System Future … When Bluff Avenue – Stage 3 is completed, storm water from 22.4 acres tributary to Bluff Avenue will flow directly into MARS Village Board approved MARS preliminary engineering study in July 2010 to plan for future extension Next Steps… Complete preliminary engineering, including hydraulic analysis and layout for future MARS alignment Prepare construction cost estimates for budgeting Report completion anticipated November 2010
Local Sewer System Next steps for the long term plan …… Complete engineering studies for three regional Village drainage areas Present findings and recommendations to Village Board for consideration as part of the Capital Project Budget process in January Continue identifying solutions to increase capacity and reduce the potential for flooding within the Village
Local Sewer System Conclusions ... Village’s combined sewer system has limited capacity Multiple rain events this summer exceeded the capacity of this system Resulting flooding was not the due to operational or maintenance issues with sewer system Future projects to increase conveyance and storage capacity within sewer system are being planned and implemented Future projects would have finite capacity
Local Sewer System Local Sewer System Regional Sewer System - MWRD Private Property Facilities
Local Sewer System Local Sewer System Regional Sewer System - MWRD Private Property Facilities