State Cadastral Registration in the Russian Federation: Rosreestr Federal Cadastral Chamber State Cadastral Registration in the Russian Federation: the integration of cadastre and real property rights registration Mr. Konstantin Litvincev Deputy Director Madrid, 2016
Cadastral registration authorities Rosreestr State Committee for State Registration and Cadastre of the Republic of Crimea Department of State Registration of Rights and Cadastre of Sevastopol Empowerment Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr» 83 branches in the regions of the Russian Federation Republic of Crimea Sevastopol Implementation of centralized cadastral registration in the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation 2
CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS Real property objects GKN ГКН LAND PARCEL BUILDING 158,4 mln 1 2 58,1 mln 35,4 mln CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS CONSTRUCTION PREMISE 3 4 5 0,5 mln 4,3 mln 60,1 mln 3
Objects of land management, zones and territories GKN DATA: about the state border of the Russian Federation about borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation 29 about borders of municipal entities 8,7 thousand about borders of localities 20,9 thousand about territorial zones 21,4 thousand about zones with special use conditions 468,2 thousand about regions with objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) 5,8 thousand ГКН 525 thousand 4
Main participants of the process APPLICANT The conclusion of contract with the cadastral engineer; Applying for cadastral registration and the necessary documents to the cadastral registration authority CADASTRAL ENGINEER Land survey work, preparation of the boundary plan, technical plan and inspection act GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES Preparation of acts containing the information required for inclusion in the GKN, and its sending to the cadastral registration authority AUTHORITY OF CADASTRAL REGISTRATION Cadastral registration of real property objects (registering, recording of changes, cancellation of registration) 5
Cadastral engineer REQUIREMENTS: From July 1, 2016 amendments to the Federal law "On state real property cadastre“ will come into force. It increases requirements for cadastral engineers. These measures will contribute to the improvement of the quality of cadastral work and minimize errors in the data of the state real property cadastre. Mandatory membership in self-regulating organizations (SRO) of cadastral engineers REQUIREMENTS: citizenship of the Russian Federation; higher education in the specialty or field of study; experience as an assistant of a cadastral engineer not less than two years; theoretical examination; existence of a valid contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the cadastral engineer; disqualification for violation of the law on state cadastre registration; lack of a criminal record; restrictions in accordance with the new Federal law to be excluded from SRO 6
Electronical services Recieving extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Property (EGRN) Recieving extracts from the GKN Cadastral recording Registration of real property rights EXTRATERRITORIALLY ROUND-THE-CLOCK AT PLACES, WHERE YOU PREFER WITHOUT QUEUING ANY NUMBER OF SERVICE PACKAGES SHORT PERIOD OF REGISTRATION -30% OF THE STATE DUTY FOR INDIVIDUALS >57 000 applications CONTACTLESS TECHNOLOGIES 7
Contactless technologies 83% inquiries for receiving extracts from EGRN and GKN 63% applications for real property rights and cadastral registration MFC INTERNET centers for provision of state and municipal services (independent of federal institutions) Increasing quality and and accessibility of public services Reducing administrative barriers Improving the efficiency of activities of the public authorities Increasing openness and transparency for the society 67% The share of Internet-services 34% January – September 2016 ЯНВ-СЕН 2016 January – September 2015 ЯНВ-СЕН 2015 8
Electronic registration of real property rights SINCE JUNE 2015 140 thousand APPLICATIONS THE PROJECT OF ROSREESTR AND SBERBANK FOR MORTGAGE Visit to MFC Visit to bank Visit to bank Visit to MFC Rosreestr 4 visits 1 working day 2 working days 5 working days 2 working days 1 working days 11 working days Visit to bank 1 visit 5 working days Bank Home 5 working days 9
Technical and boundary plan TECHNICAL PLAN BOUNDARY PLAN contains the real property data required for registration, or data about real property parts, or any new additional data required for recording to the GKN contains data about a land parcel, or its parts, or any other new necessary data for recording to GKN XML-document Electronic signature of a cadastral engineer SIG The plans should be prepared by cadastral engineer and provided only in the form of electronic documents in XML format, certified electronic signature of the cadastral engineer 11
STORAGE OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS EGRN: expected results EXTERRITORIAL submission of documents EXTERRITORIAL processing of claims 1 2 SINGLE federal queue 3 UNIFIED registration procedure 4 RELIABLE data storage 5 ELECTRONIC document management by the registration procedure 6 INCREASING of the number of electronic services 7 STORAGE OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS UNIFIED DATABASE 12
Thanks for your attention! Rosreestr Federal Cadastral Chamber Thanks for your attention! 127006, Moscow, Orlikov lane, 10/1